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Ho hum, definitely time to get working on my own "Weather Forecasting Rock," the forecast for today reads " Mostly sunny" but for some unknown reason NO-one bothered to tell them that bit of news to those prize rat shit Forecasters that because it is CLOUDY outside as it was yesterday as well.

Triphid 9 Mar 14

Enjoy being online again!

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We just look out the window.

I do the exact same thing as well, but the Weather Rock will be mainly for the school kids and visitors to look at as they pass my house.


It's rock huttin' time. lol

Betty Level 8 Mar 15, 2022

Got the rock, now need to get rolling so to speak..LOL.

@Triphid Drill time. 🙂

@Betty Yes, fit in a masonry bit in to my drill, already found and cut a suitable piece of sturdy chain, will be making up the " Weather Rock" over next few days and then hanging it place.

@Triphid Hang it at "Mr. Pest's" from next door) forehead level, maybe it will knock the pebbles in his brain loose. lol

@Betty WHAT brain and WHAT what pebbles, I ask.

@Triphid My mom used to say...he/she must have rocks in their head for brains when they did something stupid. Your "pest" doesn't sound like he has enough room for rocks so pebbles seemed appropriate. lol

@Betty More likely a head filled with sun-dried sheep manure.

@Triphid Well...They do harden over time. Forgive me for mistaken them for pebbles. lol

@Betty No probs, btw, when I was a kid, teenager in fact, we used to sell " sheep berries" to the kids from the 2 main Catholic Schools in town and tell them they were a new invention only just released on the market known as Get Smarter Pills.
We sold them in lots of 10 for a mere 20 cents a packet, made a 100% profit because we used to "collect" from the holding pens at the local Slaughterhouse.

@Triphid Oh! You were a nasty little tyke. What a laugh you must have had at their expense. 🤣🤣🤣

@Betty Hey there was, and I am using as an excuse btw, always the attitude from the, as we would always refer to them, the Catlicker kids from the Catholic Schools, towards the rest of the kids from the common Public Schools.
To them we were lower than scum UNTIL they reach Year 4 in High School and discovered that to go further inti education they NEEDED to Transfer to the Public High School, then, boy, would we see some real crawling and grovelling from them as THEY tried to fit in with us, the commoners.

@Triphid Karma, you got to love it. 🙂

@Betty Don't get me wrong I don't always like to see people grovel and crawl but when it came those little snobbish arse-wipes it was all worth it.

@Triphid I get it. It is in my opinion, why religions and cults do well. They have a "we are better than you attitude".

@Betty Precisely and the sheeple, imo, sheeple fall head over heels in to the trap of " Join us, pay us and we will make you like us but YOU must pay of course."

@Triphid Can't ever forget the profit angle in their scheme. 😉

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