3 8

Not really funny so can't be put in just for laughs.

JackPedigo 9 Apr 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Thomas has surely read what James Madison wrote into his records of the 1787 convention, that he wanted the opulent minority protected from the majority.

Just read an editorial in the Seattle Times (which I can't get as I will not allow ads) "Close the Ethics Gap at the U.S. Supreme Court." One item stuck out: "It is alarming that state supreme courts, including Washington, have better standards than the highest court in the country." Here is one link, t[]


And there are some of their ilk who are suggesting that states be able to prevent interracial marriages by law. Didn't we over come this barrier via the Loving vs Virginia case in 1963? There is foul odor at this table & its is not the carrion they are consuming.

It amazes me that this couple have embraced the conservative side ignoring the fact that couple like them are condemned by their own team.


Another amazing Horsey cartoon! The "Q" dress on Ginni is a great touch!

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