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I want this guy back in office. Because he does everything that America deserves... Which is nothing at all.

Dyl1983 8 Apr 9

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Pervy creep that can't even leave his daughter alone. Ick, I tell you!


That picture makes me wonder if he routinely grabbed her by the pussy when she was underage.


@Dyl1983 does that include the contempt of the world that Americans didn't have the moral fortitude to revolt against him & what America has become? Strangely Trump did call out on many of your current problems. The irony of his silly red MAGA hat was missed by many.

The American people deserve some credit; they did vote the festering carbuncle out of office in 2020.

@Flyingsaucesir and in his place elected a geriatric who cannot even claim to have been a "has been" Biden simply never was worth a brass razzoo!

@FrayedBear The old geezer got more done in 12 months than Trump did in 48, including getting a BIG infrastructure bill passed, and successfully combatting a global pandemic. He also patched up the damage Trump did to our relations with our NATO allies, and is doing a good job leading the free world's effort to help Ukraine defend herself against a nuclear-armed genocidal maniac. Let's see...what else? Oh yeah, he appointed a magnificently qualified jurist to the Supreme Court, the economy has grown gangbusters, and the unemployment rate is at a historic low. So, you're sure old Joe has done nothing? 🤣🤣🤣

@Flyingsaucesir the Ukrainian situation that may end up with America being obliterated through nuclear fallout or loss of US dollar supremacy, was started under Obama's regime if not before. Trump was responsible for pouring $13 billion of armaments into the hands of the fascist genocidal Ukrainians to undertake what is a proxy US war against Russia.

The move is as breathtaking as Austria getting the world to believe that Adolf Hitler was German.

I can also state that Biden may be riding on the rails of Trump's MAGA plans and removal of C19 lockdown which is now resulting in another upsurge of the pandemic around the world.

@FrayedBear You better look for someplace else to sell that garbage; nobody here is buying it 😂

@Flyingsaucesir "that garbage" being?

@FrayedBear "fascist genocidal Ukrainians" and other spurious charges.

@Flyingsaucesir So if Fascist Ukrainians have not been waging genocide against the Russians speaking people of Donbass who has been perpetrating the genocide since 2014?
The foreign fascist mercenaries paid for out of the $13 billion that Donny kindly gave them?

@FrayedBear Vladimir Putin speaks openly of his opinion that the nation of Ukraine has no right to exist. And it is clear that Russians invaded Ukraine, not the other way around. The evidence of war crimes committed by the Russian military is abundant. The total destruction of the sovereign state Ukraine is the goal. This all fits the definition of genocide. Russians are carrying out genocide against Ukrainians as we speak.

Putin is like a schoolyard bully. If you give in to his demands, he will only demand more. We all understand this. The only thing that will change Putin's mind about his current adventure is defeat on the battlefield. If he were to succeed in Ukraine, he would only be emboldened to continue. This we cannot allow, as it threatens democracy everywhere. We people who are accustomed to liberty, would rather die than live under the tyranny of a criminal like Putin. You think you scare us with your thinly-veiled threats if nuclear holocaust? You do not. We will continue to support the Ukrainian people with money, food, weapons, and economic sanctions against Russia until the the last of Putin's thugs have been hounded out of their country. Glory to Ukraine!

@Flyingsaucesir You are as sadly deluded as to who the bully is as much as you're delufed into believing that you live in a democracy that works fo the betterment of its citizens let alone world citizens.

@FrayedBear We still have a free press here, unlike Russia. And the reporting is being verified by thousands of citizens stitching together data from many sources, including ships, satellites, and people on the ground. It's called open source intelligence. So we have a pretty good idea of what's going on in Ukraine. Putin's army is bombing women and children. They're bombing hospitals, schools, theaters, and apartment buildings, things with no military strategic value. They are targeting civilians. It's mass murder. And it's not the first time we have seen this. Putin did the same things in Syria, Chechnya, and Georgia. The fucker is is a war criminal, a psychopath, a monster. He must be stopped. And he will be.

@Flyingsaucesir your press is as free as it is told to publish to delude you & the rest of the world.

"They are targeting civilians." I read this morning that Israeli missiles were fired into Syria again. Those that got through the Russian manufactured anti missile defense system - they destroyed property but unlike Palestinian & other previous Syrian targets no people were killed. Please tell me why your thousands of American free thinkers continue to allow US tax dollars to be used to encourage these fascist Zionists to commit war crimes?
You might also like to talk about the US destruction of Raqqa a few years ago -

@FrayedBear Nice pivot! Smart move to change the subject when you're confronted with a superior argument. 🤣🤣🤣

@Flyingsaucesir you haven't got an argument just verbal diaorhea.

@FrayedBear You misspelled diarrhea.🤣

@Flyingsaucesir thank you fya.


I don't use appalling American spelling just an appalling Samsung phone. 🤔🤮 That feels better.
Have an enjoyable early bilby day eating your chocolate bunnies.


On the one hand you're right -- he did nothing.

But on the other hand(s?) his existence at the top enabled and encouraged the criminals and kleptocrats who put him there. They did massive harm to America's civil rights, democracy and government -- and the economy and our environment.
It will take many years for America and the world to recover if we ever do.

Not to mention the harm his being asleep at the helm during the onset of the pandemic caused and is still causing.

We'll be lucky to survive -- if we do.

He is very much responsible for the death & destruction occurring in Ukraine. He poured $13 billion of armaments & training into the country as well as leading Ukrainians into believing that the fascist genocidal policies against Russian speakers would not provoke the sleeping Russian neighbour.

@FrayedBear Now you are spouting Putin's propaganda....Frayed(Russian?)Bear

@Flyingsaucesir not spouting anyone's propoganda merely identifying what many Americans refuse to believe - that your country is responsible for much of the world's bloodshed & mayhem occurring in the last 100 years. Mainly done to boost your economic benefit & world sovereignty. What you are now doing differs little from American actions since Korea onwards.

@FrayedBear It's true that the USA has done some very bad stuff: getting involved stupid wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan top my list. And there is more, including propping up dictators in Central and South America....yeah, we agree on that. But we have also done good things, like building up Europe and Japan post WWII, and providing lots of aid to people struggling around the world. The USA is far from perfect, but we continue to stumble forward towards a better version of ourselves. We leave that potential open. I would say it is a harder path than one where you simply relinquish all hope and responsibility for self-improvement to a deeply corrupt autocratic system where individual expression fades to a monotonous grey, where people are fed a steady diet of disinformation, where the complicated, multicultural history of a people is reduced to a simplistic fairy tale where time stopped for 1000 years after the birth and baptism of a Viking prince.


He lives, he breaths, some people would say, that is two things two many.


Sir, your cynicism is showing!


Now there's a girl who truly loves her Dad('s money.)


Oh I wouldn't say he does nothing. He has exploited every fault line in society and torn the country in half. That's something. As for daddy's girl...I wonder what she told the Committee. Probably nothing.

If she is half as arrogant as Daddy she might let something slip which could be used to bring down the whole house of Trump.

I think Jarod's interview was to set the conditions for her testimony. The Committee offered a deal based on her two attempts to make dad call off the mob. Unlike her brothers she, and Jarod, have real companies and opportunities so I'd bet she sang.

@anglophone Fingers crossed 🤞

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