Fun Came across some puzzles and thought I’d share. Lets see who can read and think.
As I was going to St. Ives,
I met a man with 7 wives.
Every wife had 7 sacks.
Every sack held 7 cats.
Every cat had 7 kittens.
Kits, cats, sacks wives,
How many were going to St. Ives?
Nobody knows. The narrator says that only the narrator was going to St. Ives, but not if any other people were going there too. Therefore the traditional answer of "one" is no more likely to be correct than the fourth power of seven, plus, the first second, third power the narrator and the unnamed man.
This is like Julie808, a deep analyzation of a question that is meant to confuse on first sight.
I should have said if one knows the answer others will see the answer and follow it. There are more and I hope others will answer with their first instinct and not look at others answers especially if they are all the same.
My thought is that we need more information since it could be just one, some or all of them. It depends on which way the man with 7 wives was going. Was he going the same direction, staying put, stopping along the way before St. Ives, or going a different direction, and also whether his wives were going along with him or not?
I thought of that too but meeting infers face to face so they must have been going in opposite directions.
@JackPedigo Perhaps the man, his 7 wives, et al, were asking directions to St. Ives, so came along. I still need more information and refuse to assume they were simply going in opposite directions, although I've heard this puzzle before and have heard the answer is 1. That never sat well with me, haha!
@Julie808 I know, these puzzles are open to many questions. If they were more detailed it would then be too easy.