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I think I won the argument

CourtJester 7 Apr 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Won argument against who??


I'll screen shot replies unless I get blocked too

Tejas Level 8 Apr 14, 2022

Typical leftist response to being confronted with facts.

BD66 Level 8 Apr 14, 2022

That’s exactly what I said to myself about the right when I was blocked by Conservative Atheists. But to be fair, if you travel far enough to the left into The Land of the Fully Woke (not my neighborhood) then you do encounter the same type of behaviour that exists in Trumpistan. It’s getting lonely in the Sensible Center.

@TheInterlooper Antagonism, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. I could’ve been interpreted that way without intending it. Honestly, I can’t remember the details, but am definitely not losing any sleep over it.

It’s like that on both sides I’m sure. I’m clearly on the conservative side, but I miss the days when you could go back and forth with two completely differing opinions and no one insulted the other person and nobody got all butt hurt and had to run back to their room in their mommy’s basement.

Makes me hope that Musk buys out Twitter.

@CourtJester Exactly. Have the courage to debate your views.

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