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I'd be willing to bet that I am not the only person fed up with the Washington war hawks and military industrial complex constantly spending all our tax dollars on hate and destruction, foreign wars that destroy nations, cultures and history, using depleted uranium, white phosphorus, committing nearly every war crime in the book with impunity.

Not only am I fed up with those bastards, I am fed up with all the jackasses and sheep who listen to the lies over and over again, and never learn a fucking thing from it, Iraq, Syria, Libya, how many times do these ignoramuses have to be lied to before they wake the fuck up and stop supporting the military industrial complex and the lying politicians who make the worst criminals in penitentiaries look like preschoolers in the field of destruction and chaos.

If you are OK with these bastards spending all your tax dollars on foreign murder and destruction, claiming they are defending "freedom" or similar bullshit, that you lap up like a fucking sheep, then you are part of the problem, and that problem you participate in creating, puts blood on your hands that you will not be able to wash off, and in my view, you are just as much a war criminal as those who you follow down that path.

Archeus_Lore 7 Apr 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Pretty cool that Trump built the military to be stronger and we didn’t have to use it though.


As a Progressive I remain never a Trumper nor a follower of the GQP. Never again. I can recall one thing. Eisenhower was military from cradle to grave and he had fair policies and warned us all about "the buildup of the military industrial complex." He was correct.

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