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New Jersey Catholic diocese agrees to $87.5 million to settle sex abuse suits. This all has to be oked by a bankruptcy court. My first thoughts - no where near enough; bankruptcy? Bullshit; the fucking church in Rome could sell painting and get a $0 million or more.

Open SmartNews and read "New Jersey Catholic diocese agrees to $87.5 million to settle sex abuse suits
To read it on the web, tap here: []

Beowulfsfriend 9 Apr 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Although you are correct...the Vatican's Lawyers will lock up the money before any victim would be able to get to it. You can rest assured there are Swiss Accounts squirreled away that only a handful in the Vatican know about also. The Church takes care of its own. It is a Sovereign country and it would take a military attack to gain access to the vaults and unfortunately...that ain't gonna happen. 😣 Be nice if they all got COVID though.

Yep. And no country would sanction them.


If I had a wish...I would like to see Vatican City seized, all property sold and compensation payed. The buildings should be turned into museums displaying all the violence and crime done from inception to present day as a caution to future generations. That is if I had a wish.

Betty Level 8 Apr 19, 2022

Most definitely NO WHERE NEAR ENOUGH, the Catholic Church IS by FAR the Wealthiest Organization on this ENTIRE Planet BAR None.
So the Catlicker Church PROMISES to pay up with the compensation BUT they NEVER say EXACTLY when or HOW it will be done.
As a Crisis Counselor I have a number of clients, ( I dislike using that term since I see them as NOT clients but friends in need, etc,) who are still waiting actual confirmation of payments for the pain, anguish, suffering, etc, etc, they have endured for decades due to Catholic or other Religious Organisation and their Predatory Paedophile Scum.
One, who will remain unnamed, has been awarded a sum total of $1.2 Million dollars Australian BUT has YET to see even a red cent of it go in to his Bank Account.
Though as he says adamantly, "It is NOT the money I am after, that can never undo what has been done to me or anyone else, ALL I want it for is BUY outright the Catholic Priest's Residence that is now vacant where I and so many others were violated, drive a bulldozer through the entire place and then build a new, safe and completely secure place were children can come and play free, happy and 100% safe ANY time of the day."
Sadly it seem that the Vatican, which ULTIMATELY holds firm the Church purse strings also has a DIVINELY given ability to dither and fart around for so ever as long as it so desires and the actual Courts of Law are either UNABLE or too SCARED to push this Nest of Vipers and Paedophile Predators.

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