Islam is a male centered sex positive religion. In Islam a woman's sexuality or her sexual needs r not taken into account. In Islam marriage is one of two legitimate ways that a man can have relations with a woman ( the other being concubinage with a salve woman) Marriage for a Muslim male is " the contract by which he acquires the reproductive organ of a woman , with the express purpose of enjoying it". The converse, of course, is not the case; the reproductive organ of the husband is not exclusively reserved for one woman. The Koran permits men an unlimited number of women. Sura 4:3. The Muslim marriage is essentially an act by which a woman, often without being consulted, must put herself sexually at the disposition of her husband, if need b next to three other wives and an unlimited number of concubines. The prophet, of course, gave himself special privileges that he says is devinely sanctioned That he can have 4 wives or as much as he chooses to. Isn't that the definition of What a sex maniac Is?and Muslims regard him as their moral guide.isnt this utterly asinine.?
This is typical of the Abrahamic religions. When woman are spoken of they are spoken of only in the context of property rights. There is no regard for them as humans or persons.
It isn't asinine if your a male and muslim?