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Not really gardening but related. It is the hight now of the Cow Parsley season, Anthriscus sylvestris, here in the UK. It clothes many of the roadsides, and is a major source of food for many pollinating insects. The show is of course not completely natural, since the plant thrives on the roadsides, because humans mowing the verges once or twice per year creates exactly the environment it likes. The Yellow flower in the background is a crop of Oil Seed Rape. Also posted in Natural History, but I thought that you may like to see it as well.

Fernapple 9 May 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Beautiful country lane landscape. Interesting to ponder how various weeds respond to our human actions on the landscape. We seem to be the best thing ever to have happened to "weed-kind." Lol

They were just waiting for us to come along. Many weeds were of course originally plants of disturbed ground. Who usually had to wait for a landslide earthquake or flood to give them the bare earth they needed, so they were probably quite rare, but then we came along and started ploughing and digging everywhere.


British vegetation grows in such neat mounds even when it is growing in the wild.
My weeds usually have intrusive other weeds.

There are one or two clumps of Red Champion as well. Especially in the second photo near the left hand edge, bright pink.

Weeds like to hang together.

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