I think I ran a minister off. I got few messages from a 'believer'. I was polite at first, he was asking me how my day was and calling me friend, which I can't stand especially if I don't know you. It's a way to establish familiarity and a total psychological ploy.
Anyway, I confronted him and told him I didn't know him, was not his friend, see that he believes in mystical beings and what was it he wanted from me. He has deleted his profile (or has me blocked). Anyone else run into this person? I can't remember his profile name. I welcome believers in hopes that they question those beliefs but don't approach me looking to convert me. Ain't happening!!
Never been approached like that here. Very seldom anywhere else. The only time it's happened at all is when someone thinks they see a vulnerability they can exploit. They are invariably imagined and based on some completely ridiculous misapprehension of what atheism is or why one would be an atheist.
Hope they make sure to close the door on their way out.
He sounds odd not seen him. Doubt he will come my way but can only hope lol ..
Where a large part of my family are from (Uk sides) men refer to each other as, "duck", "friend" or "love" (which I know isn't usual lol) .. I am talking 6ft7 coal miners.
It's not always sinister ..
There are a handful of fake profiles on here. I haven't decided if it's one guy having a laugh, or if it's legitimately a handful of people trying to challenge/convert atheists.