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Don't say it doesn't work.

Petter 9 May 28

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Yeah, maybe no school shootings, but the laws haven't stopped mass shootings in general, so that meme is only telling some of the story. If the laws worked as some like to think they would, then common sense should dictate there should be ZERO mass shootings anywhere, but that's not reality, and don't give me some excuse mass shootings like that in the UK are rare, I don't care how rare they are they still happen which they shouldn't occur at all if the laws actually worked.-


The Plymouth mass shooting occured less than one year ago no less, and in response UK authorities announced they would issue updated guidelines for firearms applications.... well yeah folks, because your frickin laws didn't work in the first place, so of course they have to issue "updates". If the laws worked as intended, there should never be any mass shootings, and despite the laws if such incidents occured once common sense should dictate that it could happen again.

Such common sense as this falls upon deaf ears here my friend. 🙄 It just doesn't match their radical leftist ideology.

... And before the Plymouth shooting?
You have to go back 11 years to find a previous massacre of any sort.
Stop trying to cloud the issue, my friend.
I am being truly logical and looking at the evidence through unbiased eyes.

@Petter What you are trying to argue above defies logic and reasoning, and obviously mass shootings can and still are occuring in the UK regardless of their laws, with the most recent incident occuring less than a year ago. Why don't you stop trying to deflect from reality, my compadre?

When it comes to laws, they either work as intended or they do not and fail, there is no in between on that matter, it's one or the other. A recent mass shooting in the UK tells me the laws did not protect those innocents who got killed, so in other words said laws failed, someone found a way to circumvent the laws.

Let me put this in a way that someone like you could relate to easily.... once upon a time in the US abortion procedures were outlawed, yet many women still found a way around the laws and got abortions. Fast forward to present time, our Supreme Court is set to roll back women's rights on the matter with many states waiting to make all abortion procedures illegal. Now, do you think for one moment such laws will really curb all abortions? I certainly do not, and if by chance your answer be yes to that, then you and I will have to argue. Same is true with recreational drugs, despite such being illegal that hasn't stopped drug addictions and overdose deaths from such, and that problem is only getting worse. Again, the laws aren't helping any. While gun control and abortion may be two separate topics, the concept behind both is certainly the same, there are some folks who want to outlaw all privately owned firearms and other folks want to abolish all abortion procedures, and laws restricting or banning either of them have not and will not ever work as intended.

Do know when I make these sort of arguments, it is not my intention to be mean or nasty to you or anyone else, and as someone who was once a zealous gun control activist I speak from experience on that matter, and I'm all too familiar with the laws failing our society, and I've no logical reason to believe more of the same would help any. Please note my restraint on talking about modern day technology that is relatively affordable to the average American in which to make their own 3D printed weapons, and also the fact that despite certain gun control laws currently in place would do nothing to address the overwhelming number of these "high capacity" magazines and scary looking rifles that are currently in possession of millions of law abiding Americans. Enforcing laws on those two matters would be far easier said than done, hence more laws of the same would not be effective enough.

That whole argument (meaning gun control argument) is nothing more than an emotionally-charged reaction to the issue, and you and I both know when emotions are allowed to take center stage logic and reasoning go out the window.


Common sense says if one cannot access a gun, one cannot use a gun. However that statement is simplistic because it ignores the fact that, unlike the U.K. or any other country, the USA has a Constitutional provision allowing gun ownership.

Our Constitution can be amended, however that is a long and difficult process. It requires a Bill be passed by the House of Representatives by a 66% margin, then by the Senate with a 66% margin, and then ratified by 66% of the individual State Legislatures.

Since the USA does not have anywhere neat a 66% majority by either major political party, compounded by the fact that 66% of the States don't agree on very much, amending our Constitution is virtually impossible.

Got any other solutions?

Aside from that, the above meme only discussed mass school shootings and not just mass shootings in general, which even in recent times there have been mass shooting incidents in the UK-


It's deceptive to only focus on one area (only school shootings) while not taking everything into consideration, but then again what could we expect from those who are emotionally stunted?

Ditto that!

@SpikeTalon Ditto that as well. 😎👍

@SpikeTalon one of those you linked to was in 2010. Then nothing more until 2021, when 5 people were killed ny a lone gunman.
Prior to that there was the 1987 Hungerford massacre and then the Dunblane school massacre.
That is the sum total for the past 35 years!
You are clutching at straws to attempt to justify the hundreds of mass shootings in the USA during the same period.

@Petter No, you are avoiding the reality of the situation, reality being that if it happened again in recent time then it could happen again in the near future. I'm sure back in 2010 after that incident some people were probably thinking to themselves that such a scenario would never happen again due to their strict gun control laws in place, and eventually given enough time gone by along came the incident in 2021 proving such people wrong.

Why is that so difficult for some of you folks to understand my concern there? The laws didn't help, they didn't back in 2010 and some eleven years later they failed yet again, and conceivably they could fail again in the near future. That's not "clutching at straws" compadre, that's a realistic outlook on the matter, and a truly intelligent person who does not let their emotions dictate to them would think ahead and prepare adequately for what the future may bring about.

On a side note, the no guns allowed on school premises law in Texas (and virtually every other state) did nothing to deter the gunman, and eventually it was a concerned citizen armed with a gun who neutralized the threat and in the process probably saving lives. Gun control legislation did nothing to actually save lives, but an armed citizen sure did something about that. That's reality, based on current evidence.


This is ignoring that there was only 1 mass school shooting before Dunblane, at Hungerford in the 1980s. And the ban did not end mass shootings in the UK; on 2 June 2010, 52-year-old Derrick Bird shot and killed twelve people and injured eleven more during an hours-long shooting spree in Cumbria before killing himself.

It works in a nation which already had very limited gun ownership and a history of compliance with government edicts. America was founded partly (in our mythology at any rate) on resistance to that model. Here, gun ownership is equated with citizenship. The right to own a gun is a symbol of independence and being prepared and able to resist a tyrannical government.

Again, this is part of our national mythology and history. Our "gun culture" goes back to the 1700s, when Americans saw guns as essential even before the Revolution, when they were colonizing a sometimes hostile wilderness. Britain has been settled and ordered since ancient times. It's a different culture.


The US and their love affair with guns is a blight upon civilization.

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