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Most of what we know about Egyptian pyramids is due to the study of the pyramid of Khafre. Let’s explore the history of Egypt’s most extensively researched pyramid.-

SpikeTalon 9 June 7

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Very interesting .I have always been intrigued by the mystery of the pyramids.


Hieroglyphic alphabet-

A an Egyptian vulture
B a foot
C a basket with handle
D a hand
E a reed
F a horned viper (an Egyptian snake)
G a jar-stand
H a reed shelter
I a reed
J a cobra
K the basket with the handle again (because hard “C” is like “K&rdquo😉
L a lion
M an owl
N a zigzag symbol for water
O a lasso
P a square stool
Q a symbol for the slope of a hill
R a mouth
S a piece of linen folded over
T a bun
U a quail chick (which stands for the sound “U&rdquo😉
V a horned viper
W a quail chick
X a basket and folded linen
Y two reeds
Z a door bolt
CH a hobble
KH a ball of string
SH the rectangle (which is the symbol for land)

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