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Unfortunately, we currently have minority rule.

Flyingsaucesir 8 June 9

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Or better yet…. Let’s take the cars away from sober drivers to reduce drunk driving incidents

You are drawing a false equivalency. A car is not a weapon of war.

People have a need for transportation. They don't have a need for weapons of war.

Go try and sell your false equivalency to the parents of the slain Rob Elementary School kids, whose bodies had to be identified by DNA analysis. I dare you.


A car can’t be used as a weapon of war? Really???

If you want true safety; we have to ban the cars.

@CourtJester "can be used as" ≠ is


“Can be used as” ≠ is

@CourtJester Oh so now you're saying that because you can also kill other things besides humans with it it's not a weapon of war? 😂

You can accidentally or intentionally kill a deer with a car. Are you saying that because you can kill other things besides humans with it, it’s not a weapon of war? 😆

@CourtJester I'm saying that a car is not a weapon of war. And an AR15 is. And people have legitimate reasons to have cars. And even if an AR15 can be put to a legitimate use, society would be much better off without them. (And really, killing a wild pig would be better done with a hunting rifle. Rounds from an AR15 fragment and cause excessive tissue damage. Not something you want to do to game that you intend to eat.)

No. A car is a tool, as is an AR15, as is a hammer, as is an iPhone charging cord, as is a passenger jet, as is a pocket knife, as is a screw driver.

How they are used depends entirely on the person handling them.

You can find that each has been used for good and bad, but only one is considered as bad. If you take it away, bad people will learn more on the others to accomplish their end goal.

@CourtJester The AR15 was specifically designed for the military. You're just making yourself look silly (or disingenuous) by trying to deny it.


Jet engines were developed with the intent to kill.
Nuclear medicine therapy actually started by killing a lot of Japanese people.

What it’s capable of has nothing to do with intended capability.

You’re simply looking from a blinded and close minded standpoint. My guns have never killed a human, but due to a heart monitor that I didn’t catch, someone died once.

It doesn’t matter what is in front of you and at your finger tips; life is about choices.

@CourtJester All your specious arguments are just so much wind. The AR15 is a weapon of war, was designed for that purpose, and has no place in civil society (except as "special weapons" used by SWAT teams).

You’re operating on bent feelings.
As a marine, I would have never used an AR15. I also don’t know a SWAT team member that would be okay with an AR15.
You’re obviously typing on feelings over facts.



Should we outlaw jet engines and nuclear cancer treatments???

If you’ll support outlawing those two, I’ll support outlawing ar15’s.


Better yet, raise it to anyone old enough to have been part of an American Civil War "well organised militia.
After all, who else apart from a militia, needs assault weapons as opposed to defensive or sporting weapons?

Isn't it "well regulated" militia?

@Flyingsaucesir So it is. Silly me.

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