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Vote Like Your Life Depends On It

HankHunter13 7 June 10

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Christian Fascism will be established before that generation has a chance to have their vote rejected.


I sure as hell hope so. The generation before mine had to go to Berlin and Tokyo to reject those Nazis.


Unfortunately, right wing blockheads are procreating like rabbits and turning their offspring into like minded monsters.


Now, if only we can get them to vote.


I think this may be wishful thinking (for now). There's still many conservatives in this country and between jerrymandering and the electoral college they can capture more wins with fewer votes.


The sooner that the entirety of the Rethuglican Party and all those who support it are thrown into the Sargasso Sea the better.


America's life DOES depend on it.

Petter Level 9 June 10, 2022
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