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I watched a movie last night called “Executive Decision” starring Halle Barry, Kurt Russell, and Steven Seagal, amongst others. It was pretty much like “Airforce One” but even crappier.
My favorite part hands down was around the 15 minute mark when they killed off Steven Seagals character!😎

Aaron70 8 June 24

Enjoy being online again!

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The best part of any Steven Seagal movies is when he is killed off.

Name another one where he gets killed off please? 🤨

@Buck 2010's Machete and Hard to Kill (1990) [Mason Storm]: Is clinically dead off-screen after he flat lines from being shot by Charles Boswell.

@nogod4me Damn, two more of his movies I might like!!!😊


That’s the favorite part of the film for most of us, I’d wager! 😂

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