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How to know what your man is thinking:

Men only have two states of mind.... hungry and horny.

If he doesn't appear to have an erection, make him a sandwich

TheoryNumber3 8 July 3

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Why does a woman make the sandwich?

Will there be meat in either case?

Why would a woman wonder what a man is thinking?

At this seminal time in history we the people demand independence.

….this could in some part explain it….

@waitingforgodo ….she’s prettier than the “Godfather” too….!

At this seminal time in history we the people demand independence?

Has there ever been an ovular time in history?

I so miss the folk artists of the 60's. I got to meet Peter Paul And Mary closeup when they appeared on a local teen TV dance show called Spin Time, something like American Bandstand. My boyfriend and I happened to be on the show that day.


Which explains women's two and self maintenance 😉.

puff Level 8 July 3, 2022

That will mean more and more sandwiches as he gets older, and the obese get erectile disfunction, could become a feedback loop. LOL

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