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Okay, so far these are my choices in the Great Screen Name Contest. The choice and the unveiling will occur this evening or this afternoon or whenever the mood strikes me.

HoldsUpTheSky (I used to, but I found other employment)
Athansor (who is not, I repeat not, a very large dog)
AnneOfGreenFables (kind of dovetails nicely into my FB alter ego, Screaming Annie)
WileEPeyote (peyote is also a beading stitch)
SassyMama (often)
MountainMama (the WV reference is nice, but does it make me sound large?)

And I’ve come up with a few of my own because this was after all an exercise in creativity which seemed to be lacking in my life the day I signed on here.

MaeWestVirginia, because it might make someone think I have tremendous knockers
ClooneysBitch, hey, who wouldn’t want to be?
MrsDanvers, who was Rebecca’s bitch
ProudMerry, because my name is Mary but I don’t want to spell it correctly

ProudMerry 7 Apr 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Mother Merry lol



It is available 😉

@Keyboard-Mama hahahahahhahaha




Yep, ClooneysBitch works for me.


I go for puns (yes, I'm one of those. The horror, the horror 😉 ), so my vote is for WileEPeyote

Ozman Level 7 Apr 27, 2018



I like ClooneysBitch...just sayin..


I like ProudMerry


Merry Mary what is in a name, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

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