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The Righteous Cruelty Of Republican Jesus

Religion using Politics / Politics using Religion.
Either way we all lose.


Reignmond 7 July 3

Enjoy being online again!

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I disagree and believe it is not about religion but groups seeking dominance. The religious wrong want to avail themselves at the top of the heap but fail to see the other religious sects who are doing the same thing. Today, it is about 'religion' and tomorrow it will be about which religious sect at the top. There will be a religious civil war and we can see this clearly in the Christians against the Jews, Moslem's and other 'outside groups. I think the fact that more are leaving religion adds a sense of urgency to the so called dominant group (Christians) in this country.


It's all more of the "America founded on religion" bullshit that so many want you to believe. It simply was not so and many different people from all over came here. In recent convo with my former boss on this subject he said the problem was that if you stayed in England you had to be Church of England. This last one is another fallacy that Christians want to use. America is too diversified to ever be "a Christian Nation."

A funny thing is that those colonists who came to America for religious freedom, immediately sat up their own religiously intolerant colony.🤣


That is why you have to revolt. Viva la revolution.


Take no prisoners!!!


Those assholes don't think anyone will pushback and try to stop them.

They are gravely mistaken.

We do have the disadvantage of numbers ... a considerable problem in a Democracy. But that is slowly changing.


The obstructionist regressive republican Fascists maga death cult members using religious dogma to control those who they can not control!!!

The wealthy and their corporations use the maga death cult members and the overtly militarized police to ensure that they remain in control and hold dominion over us, religion is just part of their sinister way they are enslaving us wholesale!!!

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