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Any other "cord cutters" out in the Agnostic community?

I dropped cable TV around 2012 after I discovered Roku and media servers Plex and PlayOn, and haven't looked back since.

I'm a big video fan and love having this level of control over my content.

I've also been impressed with the streaming services and how they've stepped up and become serious contenders in the entertainment field.

What's your set up and experience with dumping cable?

expatri 6 Apr 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Yep. Dropped cable when my husband passed two years ago. I have never regretted it.


Cable (Virgin) has always been hideously overpriced in the UK. Unless you need particularly fast broadband, I've never seen the point. I was a subscriber to Sky TV (Satellite) from about 1991 until around 2015. I cancelled my subscription when I realised I hadn't actually used it in over 12 months.

I very rarely watch live TV. The few things I do watch live can be legitimately streamed on BBC iPlayer and the like. Most of what I watch is on Neflix, and occasionally Amazon Prime.

I rarely have the television on (I mostly stream on my laptop.) I was in a hotel the other day where the television switched on every time I returned to the room and put my card in the slot to activate the room electrics. (I'd put it on standby with the remote, but it would switch back on next time I left and came back to the room.) I found it massively annoying.


I've been without cable for 12 years, because the cable doesn't quite reach my neighborhood. I would have to consider getting it for the internet connection if it ever became available, but my UVerse is ok to stream down, usually.

I watch Netflix for maybe an hour per week. I enjoy watching stuff with my girlfriend, but when I'm by myself, which is most of the time, it's almost never on. TV is basically too passive for me.


I cut the cord as paying the cost of cable/satellite just isn't worth it to me. I've actually been really happy with YouTube TV, Netflix and HBO, with an antenna connected to my Xbox One for live shifting just for certain NFL games. Like so many others, I share logins with family so we can all share the cost. The unlimited cloud DVR is nice because my shows record even if the power goes out and I can watch most of them from the road (eg: at a hotel) with a laptop/tablet and an HDMI cable.


I dropped everything back in the 90's. I don't waste my time or money with cable, satellite, or paid sites.


There are so many good alternatives if you are even just a bit tech savvy. You just need an internet connection. Does anyone think internet connection prices will skyrocket if cable goes the way of the dinosaurs? Or will the alternatives to cable skyrocket in price?


I cut the cord more than 20 years ago. I just got tired of payign for so many channels, most of which was just junk I'd never watch. If they ever do an ala carte system I may go back.

However, I find Netlix commercial free streaming to be much more stisfying


Yes, I dropped cable about the same time you did. I'm almost a total leech now. I use my sister's Netflix. (Though, to be fair, she used mine for YEARS ... until Guatemalan hackers ... well, that's a completely different story.) I use my father's Xfinity and premium channels. And I watch a lot of stuff on legally "gray" streaming sites. (No, this is not how the Guatemalan hackers got me.) Oh wait, I PAY for Amazon Prime and Google Fiber, so not a total leech. I need to get the external TV antenna.

vita Level 7 Apr 27, 2018

Yes, when I learned that Netfix will let you set up profiles for other viewers, I had to set some up for my mom and stepdad so they could leech my account...hehehe. And I'm familiar with "gray" streaming sites...

That's funny. I used to let my brother leech from my NetFlix when I had it. Now I don't have it and he does...........but he hasn't once offered to let me in on it lol

Dude! He OWES you. Ask for that Netflix.


Yes. I dropped cable TV around that time as well. Do not miss it at all. I use Roku as well. Streaming services provide all that I need and are much less expensive. I put a good external TV antenna in my garage attic to pull in network channels (which besides PBS I watch very little). However, the HD quality on these is actually better than what I was getting from Comcast.

I'm thinking of installing a quality digital antenna and see if I can get Plex's new DVR feature to work as I want (recording to my home server rather than a cloud one). What type/brand did you end up going with, and what sort of range are we talking about?

@expatri I've been happy with this RCA: RCA Compact Outdoor Yagi HDTV Antenna with 70 Mile Range []

The towers are 30-40 miles from me. Range is 70 miles I think. You can use an amplifier too.

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