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154 congressional Republicans want you to work until you die:

Time to stop this insane fascist republican agenda agianst the people of this country!

This week, the Republican Study Committee (RSC), a group that comprises over half of House Republicans, released their budget blueprint. It calls for massive cuts to Social Security and Medicare, including:

Raising both the Social Security retirement age and the Medicare eligibility age to 70

Using the chained CPI to prevent Social Security benefits from keeping up with inflation

Beginning Medicare’s destruction by partially privatizing it and increasing premium costs

The RSC insists that we need to make these cuts now to “save” these programs from future cuts. But their budget blueprint would give even more tax handouts to corporations and billionaires on top of the massive $1.5 trillion tax giveaway they just received.

This is not about making responsible choices. It is about stealing from working families and redistributing the wealth to their billionaire donors.

Immediately after the RSC released their budget, Social Security Works tweeted that all 154 RSC members are now on the record in support of massive Social Security cuts.
The RSC responded with one of the most common anti-Social Security talking points — they are actually trying to “save” Social Security. Nonsensically, they say that the best way to prevent benefit cuts decades from now is to cut benefits immediately.

In fact, Social Security has a $2.9 trillion surplus and as long as there are workers paying into the program, it can never go broke. We can easily afford to protect and expand benefits if we simply demand the wealthiest contribute their fair share — but, that would make the RSC’s donors very sad.

Michael Phelan
Social Security Works

of-the-mountain 9 Apr 27

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I’m really In-hope that the youth of this country invests the most out of-their higher education. Without that... Well the entire world is doomed... one day I truly believe people will say “what in the f##k were they thinking?” It’s sad that power and $ oversee sustainability...


So freakin' depressing.


Hell... even North Korea treats their elderly citizens better than this.

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