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Almost a year since this was passed in California, the only state so far to criminalize it, nonconsensual condom removal can now be prosecuted as sex assault In Canada.
Kudos to Canada and California.


silverotter11 9 July 31

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Seems your partner would already have the right to sue without this unnecessary law.


Well isn't that the point? How many women are not even believed by the law enforcement or court they were even assaulted? In America and some other countries women can be charged with murder if they seek an abortion resulting from rape or consensual sex BUT the guy did what this law would now make a crime.


I don't know how it could be anything other than sexual assault.

To me it sounds an extraordinary thing to do. He certainly should be 100% responsible for a resulting pregnancy. But of course in such an event, he has forced it on her. Therefore assault.

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