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Crudite, or veggie tray? Hilarious take down of Dr. Oz
Organist1 8 Aug 17

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If somebody put that crudd-ite stuff in my dogfood dish, I'd BITE them!

Strangely enough, my dog loves veggies! I have no idea why, but he begs shamelessly for cauliflower and broccoli. Maybe it's because they smell like a dead animal.


Dr Snske Oil is so out of touch


This is a curious case, because it seems unlikely that Oz's lying, dishonest spiel qualifies for the sort of idiotic trolling lies that power the GQP lunatics.

Bottom line: Look forward to MORE inflation as GQP-caused climate change reduces the availability of other goods.

I think tRump was smitten with him because he is a TV celebrity, endorsed by Oprah. That's the kind of superficiality that he thought would impress people. He didn't count on the genuine down-to-earth John Fetterman's appeal.

Colorado River and Lake Mead in the US are drying up [].
China's Yangtze River - Asia's longest waterway is drying up []
Water levels on Italy's Lake Garda at 15-year low []
Here is all drought news []

We are fucked, it's not going to get better.

California's Trees Are Dying, and Might Not Be Coming Back []


Fetterman is ahead of OZ in every opinion poll running to date. It makes me happy.

Oz was an accomplished doctor and then the Fox news money and publicity went to his dumb head. That's how most people fall.


Wegman's does have stores in Pennsylvania. The one I go to is in Jersey because it's 15 minutes from my house. Nice stores. He did call it Wegner's. There is a Redner's Market, they have some stores in PA. I guess he got confused.

There is. Wegman's not far from me in Chester County too. It is a nice store.

@Organist1 It's far from me tho. Cherry Hill is 10-15 minutes from me. Bridge toll made up for by a tank of gas and tax free soda. There is a Redner's in Bensalem, I've never been.

@barjoe Redner's is a place I've never been to either. I don't think they have them around here. If people in my neck of the woods want cheap gas, we go to DE, where it's about $.30 less per gallon!

@Organist1 Yep. Delaware's cheapest in our area. I go to Sam's Club in Cinnamonson gas is cheap, I grab a $5 chicken and a cheap hot dog and soda the pasta for bridge toll. Redner's is a discount grocer, very cheap prices but not in my area. There's a store near Philadelphia Mills so I might check it out.

@barjoe $5 chicken sounds good. I'd go for that! We have a Aldi near here; that's pretty good.

@Organist1 Costco and Sam's Club both have $4.99 rotisserie roasters. They are huge, piping hot and delicious.

@barjoe We have a Costco, but I don't belong because it seems a bit much for one person. Great deals, though.


Almost too easy.....

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