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These Republicans don't care about Americans they only care about getting reelected.

Lorajay 9 Aug 18

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ALL politicians care more about being reelected than country. That is why we continuously hear double talk.


I truly would love to see a strong 3rd party.

Unity Level 7 Aug 19, 2022

Historically third parties help the party you like the least win. Maybe four parties would help.


I don't often watch Joe but his plea carries weight. I hope responsible Cons, if there are any left, will listen to him.


They are also hell bent to establish a fascist/libertarian dictatorship. And the scary part is they're succeeding.


What's that saying?
Republicans don't care if the world burns to the ground. As long as they're in charge of the ashes.

That seems to be true


Their ONLY goal is to take donations from their gullible party members.
Repug goals really consist of the money and power to control the government their fascist way... Not for the betterment of the citizens.

So true !! They only want the money that their positions provide, donations, big business, lobbyists, . . . . .

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