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Trying to understand their logic here...

Lukian 8 Apr 28

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I always spoke/speak up. That is simply a part of my make-up. I was living in Germany (Heidelberg) which was a command center for much of the military in Europe. Therefore they had the best of everything and the best clergy turned out to be those that asked questions and got people to think. I was used to that and carried that with me when I returned to the US. I wrote a letter to my local priest concerning the illegal political stand of the church on the first Iraq war. He not only listened but invited me to join the financial council of the parish. As a Catholic I was taught it is more about actions and less about words.


@Lukian -- The logic is perfectly clear. Now, follow me carefully here and in a moment, you too will understand how this works.

The first thing you need to understand is that prayer works every time. The Big Guy's answers may not be what was desired, but prayers are always answered, and we have mountains of proof for this. For example: Pray for a new Mercedes Benz. All the time that you don't get one the answer has been either no or not yet. If you ever, no matter how long it takes, get to the position where you can buy a new Mercedes Benz you will know your prayer has been answered in the affirmative and you can shout from the rooftops how Mr. Magnificent fulfilled your wishes. So, we know that prayer always works. You still with me?

Okay, armed with the fact that prayer always works, we can feel confident that praying for that group of people who went down on Flight 666 will be effective, thus making us appear pious and generous with our time for those in need. The passengers and crew of Flight 666 are in good hands with us because it is through us that their plight is made known to the Head Honcho. If 359 bodies are dredged up out of the river, the answer for them was 'no.' The 1 who survived got a thumbs up. He always has a plan for each of us. You see, prayer always works. Especially directed mass prayer while holding hands.

Now this is where it gets a little tricky, so pay attention. Because there are so many horrendous natural disasters being generated by Don Dude, and so many prayers being issued as a result of these "Acts of the Cloud Man", He is really really really busy. He wants to look good, and we want Him to look good, so precedence is always given to "helping prayer" and other things that look positive. Bad publicity doesn't help. So, when it comes to the negative stuff, we shouldn't be bothering Him with that. After all, He's busy, and negative shit is something that comes natural to us, so what could be more logical and rational than we taking care of it on our own. We lighten His load and we get the bigotry done without soiling the Name.

As you can now see, the logic of the meme is obvious to anyone who has been saved. Apparently, brother, you are in need of the Gospel or you would have seen this immediately. May I help you, brother? Shall I pray for you?

We need more sarcasm like yours on this site.


@JackPedigo -- Thank you, brother Jack. I shall endeavor to enlighten more frequently. Lawd knows we needs it.

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