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I see so many interesting things on here kind of overwhelmed but it's so nice to see questions answers ideas experiences that other people have it is so nice to see you then people are accepting of each other I had some very bitter experience in all aspects of my life especially people that call themselves Christians they are so judgemental I guess what I'm saying cuz I'm thankful for everybody on this I'm not educated I have ADHD bipolar chronic disorder since I was a baby never was good at school but I do have some knowings that I'm going to have food shelter transportation and halfway d e c e r t health I always have the debt free always paid cash for anything I need

James1403 5 Apr 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Welcome to the community. I think you will find we are mostly nice, open people. Take time to look around and explore different topics and then join in any conversation that interests you. You may feel that you are not as well-educated as some people on the site but you have a lot of life experience that you can draw on.


Welcome to a truly freethinker community.

It would be so nice to be around empathetic and thoughtful people that is relatively new to me I appreciate that


Welcome, James! I am new to this site myself but it certainly does seem to be a great group of empathetic, open-minded and thoughtful people.

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