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I just left work because I still can't breathe and chest/arm still hurting. Went into the storage freezer (I work in a grocery store) and it was like a vacuum sucked the air out of my lungs. But, I don't want to go back to the hospital and they say I'm fine... again. What do I do??

Edit: on the bus to hospital now.

Melbates 7 Apr 28

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Need to find the root cause or you may keel over in mid-stride. I assume the worst as I have tendency to tough it out or wait and see if it gets worse (Stupid attitude considering I use the VA).
I hope it is relatively minor and can be taken care of quickly and easily.
Please let us know what is going on, thinking of you.
Concerned thoughts and well wishes and another hug for you, on the way

Thank you. Just got to hospital. I use the county hospital so I feel your pain with VA. Got another EKG. Now, waiting to be roomed in ER.

@Melbates Be as calm as possible, it's probably next to impossible to be calm, and try not to get yourself worked up. I would be all stressed out and assuming the worst by now, that doesn't do anyone any good. Since your EKG and vitals are normal you can most likely rule out heart problems, however I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on television.
I have a feeling it's stress related but chances are my opinion is skewed by personal experience, I do hope it is something relatively minor and it can be resolved quickly. Is there someone you can contact to wait with you? I have been called a few times to just sit with a person while they wait, I'm not doing anything other than giving them someone to share the burden.
I am with you as much as I can be and I and many others are concerned and anxiously awaiting word from you when you find out the prognosis. I wish I can do more than offer a few words of encouragement to take your mind off the ER visit for a bit but, sadly, this is all I can do.
You are in my thoughts and I am worried about you, I've got a ton internet hugs for you on hand so if you need one just take it. Keep us informed Mel, we'll share the burden with you as much as we can.

@MacTavish thank you very, very much. If you check my posts, you'll see further updates so I don't have to be redundant.


So you are on the way to hospital now per your edit. Check in later
To let us know how you’re doing.


I hope it turned out not to be serious. Understand that even physicians often cannot tell a heart attack from an anxiety attack or symptoms of intercostal chondritis without tests. Waiting could kill you. Better to get checked out thoroughly

I got checked yesterday. EKG and heart monitor readings normal. Today, the breathing and pain are worse.

I just hate going to that hospital because it's the county hospital, the "poverty hospital," the "indigent/homeless hospital." So, guess how everyone is treated? Doctor just about interrogated me about drug use yesterday. I've never done any drugs, drink on a rare basis and quit smoking in October. Now, quit stereotyping me and fix me!


breathing is important. SO is being concerned about chest pain radiating into your arm. Go to the doctor. You might laff later but that is a better deal


Sounds like a heart attack. Go to the hospital asap! Who cares what they will think. Better to have someone think you're annoying than end up dead!


I would call my doctor if it were me. I would rather find out that things are okay, and feel like I'm being annoying than to find out they missed something at the hospital the first time.


I’m not a doctor and I don’t want to be an alarmist but you just described symptoms of a heart attack from shoveling snow in cold weather. You could have had a mild infarct and should definitely be seen by a Dr. ASAP.


Go to a different hospital. My friend had the same experience went to the second hospital and found out he was having minor strokes and received treatment for same.

I'm poor. Have to use county hospital because of their discount program.


Try chilling out and if that doesn't work call your doctor.

Spoke to Mom and nurse hotline. They both said to go back. So, on the way now.

@germangirl90439 mom said anxiety or asthma attack.

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