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Yes he's Xtian but I fully support him. I used to teach English as a second language and this just makes English more confusing.
But for him to spend time in goal for this, the worlds gone crazy. I hope he addresses the judge as "you" or "they".

puff 8 Sep 7

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English degree here. I’ve used “they” as a gender-neutral pronoun for decades. I’m a writer for a large company, and it’s in our brand manual that “they” is preferred to “he/she.” It’s confusing to no one.

Anyways, who cares about this fool? He’s just like a baker who refuses to make a cake for a gay wedding … using his religion to justify bigotry.

Lots of gender neutral words around and use if you can. But to insist those terms be used when addressing "me" because otherwise I'll get offended is bollocks.

What should we teach kids? "Good morning girls and boys" covers all imo. Should we now say "Good morning them" in case we perhaps offend someone? And what should we do if being referred to as "them" offends some as well?

Should it not be: as a gender-neutral pronoun, and not "are".

@puff "Good morning all." Would do quite well I think.

@puff There, I hope that I annoy both of you equally. LOL


The pronouns "they, them, their" don't bother me for the singular; they've been used informally for many decades to refer to a hypothetical person of indeterminate gender, e.g., "To each their own." If a grammatical shift to be more inclusive is the worst thing we have to worry about, then I will enjoy how good my life is and not lament how the trans community is supposedly undermining the moral fabric of society.

I miss the days when if a person didn't like he/ she or him/ her we could say "Hey Dickhead" instead.
Honestly, if neither he or she makes you happy, why insist others conform to your needs? It's narcistic.

@puff I just think this guy is trying to be the next Jordan Peterson. Honestly, when talking to anyone directly, I never need to use their pronouns; it's a non-issue. He's trying to make mountains out of molehills.

@resserts Both sides are being dickheads


Oh Fuck that guy! He didn't want follow the rules at that school? Get a job somewhere else. Want to use the court as a soapbox for your warped religious beliefs? Spend a couple days in jail.

Please tell me how this gender neutral language BS applies to languages such as French, which uses both masculine and feminine terms throughout their language. FFS calling an individual "they" is bad English. WTF can't he/ she/ it be referred to by their name? A compromise which both parties should accept. We should lock up teachers now for refusing to use bad grammar?
I do agree his argument leaves a lot to be desired, but good on him for standing up for the principal, even though for dubious reasons.

@puff I'm not a big proponent of gender neutral pronouns because I don't really get it. Truth is I don't even care. He took the school to court for wrongful termination but it was upheld. The judge gave him an order forbidding him from entering the premises of the school. He defied that order and was held in contempt. He was not jailed for being a religious fanatic and a transphobic asshole. In the US that's called criminal trespass. There is also in US something called an order of protection, if you defy that you can go to jail. This is similar to that. He's not being jailed for refusing to use ze and zem or whatever stupid pronoun that school requires their employees to adhere to. People don't like it, they don't have to work there.

@barjoe Yes he's a tosser but so are the parents pushing their kid in this. I only support him shinning a light on this whole individually tailored pronoun fad.

@puff It's a case of criminal trespass. He can shine all the light he wants. Jeebus will save him.

@barjoe a useful idiot 😀

@puff I don't know how useful.

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