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Checking the comments to this article, one can see that the culture of MAGA fascism does indeed constitute a dire threat. The MAGAs are stupid, ignorant, stupid, violent, stupid, hypocritical, and did I mention stupid? Almost certainly, the teacher solicited and then wrote down the characteristics of fascism volunteered BY THE STUDENTS.


An excellent video on fascism is linked below. Especially chilling are the extracts cited starting at 29 minutes. The 'ethics' of fascism are defined. At 34:44 minutes comes a prescient profile of MAGA fascists.

"We want to eliminate the lie; We want to brand the treason... We demand from the German student the will and the ability to overcome Jewish intellectualism and all the other liberal manifestations of decay associated with it."

Toward the end, the presenter suggests a definition or descriptor for Fascism noting how it proposes a nationalistic rebirth, precisely overlapping Trump's Make America Great Again.

racocn8 9 Sep 9

Enjoy being online again!

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