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This guy photoshops himself awkwardly into celebrity photographs with interesting results.


Nickbeee 8 Apr 28

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haha excellent


These are hysterical!

I like that he takes the time to capture the details instead of just flopping himself in there. So let's see yours. 😉

You are certainly not ready!!

In the comment below on this thread are two photo shop jobs I have done - silly memes!!

You can look if you don't touch lol..

@Nickbeee Got it: no touching! 😀

ps - nice work!


Wow! He's REALLY good at that!

Very!!!! To be honest it isn't that hard to use! There are tons of tutorials online too !! The best tools and all you need for this .. is the Text Box, Magnetic Lassoo, Smudge, Blurr & Blend tools, Understanding layers rescaling and copy and paste. Some colour skills .. but it isn't a lot and with those few things you could do most of what he has done here!



Really great yeh!! funny dude.

@Nickbeee I really busted a gut over those. Clever guy! Wish I'd thought of that and could do that!

@Archer It is awesome isn't it.. I think it said he has an Instagram page. So i imagine there are tons of him there too, though I haven't been!! 🙂 Me too. The one on the motorbike is ridiculous lol !!!!!!

@Nickbeee I'll check out Instagram. His expressions! Of my!

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