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These are a set of questions for those who are lawyers

how is it

1,Right and Just,that you are a profession? If the law is for everyone?

2 how can you have the knowledge of what is right and wrong to the means of the law ,while no one else does? How can that be Justice? (Love," ignorance is no excuse for the law " )

3.laws that go against nature ,like having a slave and being able to kill that slave? That was once "the law" and marijuana and other drugs , alcohol prohibition? Who do you think you really are ? 4. Why should the law be respected when we have these examples of injury ,while the premise of law is to not have injury?

5,what really is the law? Is it Just? Is it nothing more than a desperate tyrants mind to control the masses?

6,will we ever have law that is just ? 7 ,you going to keep hogging knowledge and making up bullshit for everyone else to be forced to follow?

8 ,will you denounce the way the law is now ? 9,have everyone be as knowledgeable and end the profession!!?so everyone can have Justice!!! So we can make the law actually be Justice?

Or you going to keep this up ? This game of fucking with us ?

laidback1 6 Sep 27

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My lay diagnosis: paranoid schizophrenia, and this post is the best evidence so far. Would also explain the disability.

Yeah I'm disabled to accept bullshit..

Funny how much I've been fucked with ,and just how sane I actually am from going through what I had gone through..

You don't have to believe me.. but when I was in 7th grade a teacher gave me a picture book test and Said I can't go further,she put me in 3rd grade reading.. sent me to the time out room ..

Typical Connecticut bullshit.. but luckily.. sometimes Connecticut will have a sane person with power..

Like the vice principal of the school

He believed me .. let me take a real test ,with a real English teacher..

I was in tenth grade reading!

Fuck you

Fuck you

Fuck you

Fuck you !!!!!

That teacher was fired after a lawyer!!!!! Whose child she was a teacher to stood up to her and brought a case against her !!!

I wasn't a lawyer nor had a father who was a lawyer! So I had to suffer her bullshit!!!

Fuck you !!

@laidback1 Look back at what you've written. Are you able to understand that a normal adult would not write these things? Your only hope is to reach out and pursue assistance.

@LovinLarge the Truth bothers people like yourself.. I get it ...

@laidback1 Nothing you've written is true. Your mental illness interferes with your interpretation of the truth. The mental illness is not your fault but your refusal to get help is.

@LovinLarge how do you know it's not true.. you enjoy believing that Nazi Germany didn't happen..

@LovinLarge funny if it's not true ,how come my brother also had that teacher .. guess I'm sharing a delusion with him.
And my father .. cause he also remembers ,but yeah I guess it's all in my head.. fuck you

@laidback1 Are you having difficulty accessing helpful services? Is that the problem?

@LovinLarge you'll never acknowledge your responsibility for those nurses who killed themselves.. I can show you the video of the widower who lost his wife to suicide because of you not letting her work .. you're sick people

@LovinLarge so sick,many Nurses get into that profession to really help people ,and you just fucking ruined Thier lives

@LovinLarge the pain. You have caused is not easily measurable.. the people in the future are going to look at you with disdain..

@LovinLarge you seriously hurt people and you don't care about what you had done , you're a very sick person..

@laidback1 I am not qualified to assist you. Build a relationship with your primary care physician and let them know what is going on for you. Your brain is playing tricks on you telling you that unrelated things are related, that is the nature of schizophrenia. The things you say are nonsensical to everyone other than you. Treatment is available.

@LovinLarge my stomach twisted when I realized I was wrong about the masks ,I thought the first couple of weeks that it be helpful that it wouldn't harm ,but I listened to people and studied,and realized masks don't work and it really bothered me that I was wrong .. but I didn't fight it like yu . I didn't hide away from being in pain from being wrong.. you though you can't handle the pain of being wrong.. so you can't accept that you're wrong and you'll keep doing wrong... You're weak .. pathetic... And there's no point in trying any harder for you to see it . Because you're so weak and pathetic... Can't handle being wrong.. so you double down


I love how all the injury the law has been responsible for is simply either ignored or walked on like eggshells in the response ,oh it's the people, the legislators ,it's the guy in the blue dress.. let's keep things as they are ,cause it's so great

Jeffery Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell.. oh it's all so fucking complicated that's why Jeffery Epstein got that sweet heart deal right! Where'd Ghislaine Maxwell's client list go ? Oh that's okay .. cause you feel so protected because so many scary people in the world... It's okay to let some go and to let people go to jail for a plant .. but child rapists.. that's fine!! Let right! Just doing it to keep our nation safe ! Blackmailing people with child rape so we don't get hit by a nuke!!!! Right!!? So complicated!!!


The sky is for everyone yet there are pilots.

Most lawyers know what is right and wrong because we have studied the law and know what "the people" passed as laws. The correct phrase is ignorance of the law is no defense. Do you think if you murder someone you can say I didn't know I couldn't do that?

Guessing you drink and take drugs which could be the reason for your post but the laws are to prevent injury and to punish those that cause it. Many crimes are committed under the influence of drugs and alcohol which is a problem because people get injured when they don't know what they're doing.

As previously noted, the people make the laws. Guessing you like trump, he would be a tyrant and he would make the laws but he wouldn't follow them. In dictatorships tyrants make the laws. In the United States the people make the laws.

Amazingly, since you have the internet, knowledge is everywhere on the internet, you too can have some. You're not forced to follow any law. You can leave the country you're in or you can break the laws and face the consequences.

No I won't denounce the law as I took an oath to uphold it. Unlike you who can do anything you want.

Not quite sure why you think if there are no more lawyers there won't be any laws. Society makes laws so that we can all try and live peacefully. You're welcome to find a jungle where there are no laws and you can do whatever the fuck you want.

Gee, let me guess, you had a bad experience with a lawyer? Do you know how many idiots I've dealt with who broke the law because they don't care and don't know any better? Is that justice? Should people be able to do whatever the fuck they want? Or just you?

By the way, justice is whatever the society you're in decides it is... decided by the people not lawyers. Lawyers are to help people like you who don't know any law and have to go to court or get sued.

lerlo Level 8 Sep 28, 2022

That was disappointing & predictive....

So you really have no rationale for your profession to exist..oh I don't mean to put the blame squarely on lawyers , judges are even worse ,many of them belong behind bars for their crimes.. putting people in horrid conditions that injure further than even if an actual crime committed deserved punishment ,does not need to be cruel and unusual,yet here we are innocent people who get to speak out about the hellish conditions in prison.. one just happened the other day..

You are party to a system that treats people like animals ,it's disgusting...

And I've had great experiences with lawyers in real life .. the ones I've dealt with ,I like them all. We got a long great

They were better than most I've met on-line ,maybe it's a communication thing with the Internet .. but I've noticed 80 percent online are assholes who won't engage in a rational conversation

Where I say I don't want law ? I think law has potential to be great ,but as it now .. no... It is pathetic and in need of Major overhaul

And one thing that would help ,is if everyone got to partake in.the law ,and not pretend that it has to be as complex as the human body like the guy commented below about ..

There's no reason why the law has to be so complex .. it's simple as figuring out what is right and wrong .. when something causes injury ,it's not like a virus in the body that's nano size ,no it's a guy with a hammer bashing a skull in

Sure it can get complex like the person starving that steals food ...

Gee let me pull out my big law dictionary to figure out if that's wrong ..

As I like to say I don't like Trump ,never liked him never was a fan ,but he was the best president of my lifetime.. because that's how bad the rest were/are ...

I want law , I don't want lawyers because they are fucking with the law .. if everyone knew as much as everyone else ,by being taught in school... We would have a real Fair and Just society.. instead fucking Jeffery Epstein....ahhh!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!! Wouldn't have people who have money to have a lawyer that has more knowledge to be able to win a case .. it should all be equal.. this is Bullshit.. and you fucking know it

@laidback1 if Trump was the best president of your lifetime then we can't have a rational conversation because you're not a rational person. You think the law is bad but Trump thinks he is above the law and that's okay with you so where's the rationale on that? I gave you the rationale for the profession to explain to people like you what the law is and how it works. Apparently you can't read or do any research for yourself or you would understand that the law is pretty easy to understand like don't kill people. Don't hurt people. Don't drink and drive. If all that's too complex for you nothing I can say will help you. Why not just admit that the law fucked you because you fucked up and not blame it on everybody but yourself. Did you miss the part where Jeffrey Epstein got arrested and charged? What's unfair about that? Or I forgot you can't read so you don't know what you're talking about. And I'm supposed to justify myself to you? Okay genius I'm all ears how do you overhaul the law so it works for you?

@lerlo he spent the days out of jail,he got a think that's a punishment for what he had done? This is what's wrong with the law .. and you personally are defending that shit..

@lerlo I be fine with putting trump in jail as long as Obama and Biden and the rest of criminals go to jail as well.. Obama murdered people with drones .. murdered American citizens.. no due process.. Trump murdered that general and also an 8yo girl related to those Obama murdered

@lerlo funny how you say in one breathe the law is to complicated for people takes years of study,then you say it's simple .. make up your mind ...

Fuck this is pathetic... This is a joke right?

You're just an arrogant asshole that stands by bullshit.. I hate being cold I like to drive to Florida but weed is not legal. I fucking hate you

Seriously.. everyone who has a mind if their own fucking hates all of you who are responsible for fucking with our lives

@lerlo you make people's lives miserable!!! We fucking hate you all !!!

@laidback1 nice drugs... is weed all you do or something harder to ease all of your pain? You know Jeffrey Epstein died in jail right? Or actually you don't know anything because you accuse me of saying that it took years of study to understand the law which I never said but you can go back and try and read if you can read. You're just again refusing to admit that you got fucked over on some case or no one will legalize your marijuana for you or your dollar lottery ticket didn't pay off. Either way before I block you because you're an idiot and you can hate me all you want which is fine with me, you want me to justify every bad verdict and every wrong sentence? Then you justify every crime committed by every drug addict in the world. Biden and Obama committed no crimes but nice try and it's hard to say that someone could be Dumber that Trump but you just qualified.


Laws ARE designed to control man's darkest impulses, but are only partially successful in doing so.
There will always be criminals. But if we had NO laws, it would be an even more dangerous world than it already is.
Frankly, you sound like a retarded lunatic.

When did I say not to have law ?

Yet ,how often have you spoken out on Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell? You probably never talk about it .. you're okay with it .. cause can't get all the bad guys you say ..

Yeah that has nothing to do with society being disjointed from the machanics of the law..


Are you for real?

  1. "Lawyer" is of course a profession, since there are so many laws (made by legislators, many of whom are not lawyers) that it can take a lifetime of study to know them. Even then lawyers usually have to specialize. This is like asking, "Since everybody has a body, why do we need doctors? Aren't we all familiar with a human body?"

  2. I don't believe any lawyer, anywhere, has ever claimed exclusive knowledge of the law. Most are happy to explain what the law means to anybody (anybody who pays them, anyway). And the laws are on the books, it's easy to learn for yourself what they are and what they mean. Lawyers have never claimed they have a grip on Justice. Juries decide what is and is not Justice.

  3. Legislators (politicians) make laws, not lawyers. What makes you think lawyers as a body believe in the "right" or "justice" of unjust laws, any more than the rest of us?

4- 9) Again I remind you, lawyers don't make the law. Politicians do. If you don't like the law, elect different politicians. Lawyers don't just shit out new laws in the middle of the night.
Laws, being public, are also public knowledge. They're right there on the internet and in the books. There are no "secret laws", lawyers aren't "hogging" any knowledge for themselves. If you don't know the law, blame your lack of research, not the legal profession. As for "justice"; what did you have in mind? Getting out of a speeding ticket? Murderers being found guilty? Get you out of paying alimony? "Justice" is a nebulous concept; everyone has their own definition.

final rhetorical question) I don't think lawyers are going to give up being lawyers any time soon. So the question is, are you going to stop fucking around with BS like this and actually learn something about the law?

Bullshit,the law doesn't have to get that complicated ,bunch over privileged freaks of society made it that way.

No Fucking way do laws have to be as complex as the human body is.. it got that way from elitists freaks taking over ...

You like that eugenics took over in the early 20th century,judges forcing women to have a doctor cut into their body and make them infertile?

Fuck your notion.of the law ..

Love how you say the people make the law as you also say it's to complex for people.. ate fucking idiot.. you don't fucking see the fucking hypocrisy,the irrational of that ... People who don't have knowledge of the law cause it's so complex wte the people who make the laws... Are you fucking retarded , cause if people elect politicians to do it then it's the people ultimately who make the law .. but yet the law is to complex for the people ..

It's complexity is from.tje elitist freaks! Who call themselves lawyers and judges alongside them it's all the politicians , you're all in bed together... Fucking us

Lawyers become judges and judges interpret the law .. and that ultimately is the law ..

Judges fucking sterilized people with the power that they had,they can throw anyone in jail for anything they want and you fucking lawyers will fucking stand by and let it happen and then become a judge yourself and be the same way ... Fuck you ...sure some lawyers will stand up ,but not enough do .. so we keep getting fucked over .. free Julian Assange!!!

The law needs an overhaul to make it simple and actually have Justice.. can't have what's right when ignorance is a thing .. that's just not right.. the law is supposed to be about what's right..


The profession is not responsible for your gross misunderstanding of the function of law.

Wow, that's so much shorter than what I said and more to the point.

@Paul4747 But yours more powerful because of the effort expended. Thanks, Paul!

The function of the law that hurt people.. fuck you

We know you love to push personal responsibility onto others while proclaiming that you take personal responsibility... And what better way to have personal responsibility than to put all that responsibility onto someone else.. you don't need to be responsible for what the law does,it's not your profession... right

Why should you care if a child is raped by Jeffery Epstein, you're doing fine in life .. leave that to the professionals ... They'll take care of Jeffrey Epstein and clients.. yeah .. where are the clients that Ghislaine Maxwell had .. ahb what does it matter ... everything has it's place

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