That is so true, it's all about supply, demand and location. Unfortunately, I live in a shitty, mismatched dating pool for me, where guys with my traits and type have a very low supply of women who are compatible, and thus, little demand for my type around here in the dating game. Which leaves me with only two other options, neither of which are really viable or worth the trouble, moving away to a better dating pool, like Chicago or Minneapolis (and leaving behind my local friends which are my only support system), or dating long distance, which I have looked into in the past and nobody I connected with was interested in doing that with me. So, I am stuck with being the 50 cent bottle of water that sits on the shelf past its expiration date...
But I bet if I had above average looks, instead of average looks, more women would overlook my offbeat traits and be willing to date me. Same if I had more money and wanted to play Sugar Daddy, which I would never do. But that is the reality of the dating game, if you don't have great looks, won't be or can't be a Sugar Daddy, and are mismatched on traits with the vast majority of your local dating pool. You are the drink that is an unpopular flavor and not cheap enough to compete with the more popular flavors on the local market. It also doesn't help that I have three guys for every woman in my local dating pool, that are in my age range. I have done the test for this three times where I used the library's computers to set up a dummy female profile and run a search of men that matched the traits I am seeking in a woman, that are compatible with my traits in my profile.
So what are we supposed to do, Chicago gal that is the OP here? Move to another, better dating pool? Waste our time trying to date LD? Or just sit on the shelf waiting to expire and die alone?
Sometimes we're in the wrong place mentally. Think about that.
@TheoryNumber3 No, I really don't think it's that. And it's not just me saying it. Tonite I asked two women who know me fairly well by now. One is a woman I met from Match that turned me down on dating due to her age (she's 12 years older but really cool and compatible otherwise) and health issues, but we have remained friends, chatted regularly by phone or FB messaging, gotten together occasionally for meals and movies. The other is someone I met from Match about a year and a half ago, dated for six months and then ended it amicably and remained friends after that. She is now dating someone from Match for the last several months.
So you tell me, both women think there is nothing wrong with me mentally or my attitude towards the dating game. They tell me that I am pretty mismatched for the local online dating pool, as is also the older woman who I didn't date, but met on Match, but that they think I will eventually meet someone and that there is someone for me, etc. So you tell me? They both know me way better than you or anyone on here, hell none of you have ever even met me in person or spent any time with me. I think a lot of members on here are very arrogant in how well we think we know the other members here, just from reading them on the boards, which is nothing like an offline, long term friendship.... We have only the details of their lives that they choose to share on the boards, and then most of us, not me tho, probably just fill in the rest with our imaginations and prejudices in pegging what we think they are like offline, even with no personal shared history with them.
"I think a lot of members on here are very arrogant in how well we think we know the other members here, just from reading them on the boards, which is nothing like an offline, long term friendship.... We have only the details of their lives that they choose to share on the boards, and then most of us, not me tho, probably just fill in the rest with our imaginations and prejudices in pegging what we think they are like offline, even with no personal shared history with them."
Read that paragraph. You just judged a lot of members here for being arrogant in judging other members here. But not you. You don't do that. You don't judge other people.
@TheoryNumber3 Well, it's true, I judge other people sometimes. But I don't assume I know anything about how someone is offline and away from here, but it's very obvious from what I read on these boards all the time, that lots of member DO act like they really know what is going on in the lives of other members who post and comment. And anyway, that does nothing to negate the points I made about me and the dating game. I don't see you making any argument against what I shared from the two women that I actually know offline and what they said about me and the dating game. How about addressing that, TheoryNumber3? Please enlighten me about how you know more and better than them about me and my local dating pool? Please be sure to think about that.....
You are being the same as glennlab did recently with me. You are losing an argument on here, so you have to resort to attacking me personally instead of addressing the points I am making. And honestly, I don't think I'm as guilty of that as most. I really try to just form my opinions of someone's character from what they put on these boards, but not act like I actually know them or what their lives are about or like. But you suit yourself, you just want to bash me and put me down because I say things here you don't like, and refuse to just accept your judgement of my dating woes being all inside me, instead of being willing to accept that maybe those two women know me and my local dating pool situation a hell of a lot better than you. I mean, they only live in my area, are single and on Match, like me, and have spent a fair amount of time with me offline, so how could they know more about me or better about me than you??? And you also probably cynically assume I am lying about what those two women friends said, but exactly what evidence do you have that I'm doing that? Oh wait, you don't have any, as you've never met me, talked to me on the phone, or have any idea what friends I have or don't have, based on your personal experience with me, which is nothing outside this site.
And of course, I have never heard you judge anyone, like, say for example, any of the men whose profiles you saw on dating sites that had them holding a fish? You only did a whole post about that.... As I've said so many times recently on this site, there's a reason almost nobody but me ever shares anymore on here about their dating experiences, and it's that almost everybody that comments on their posts ends up bashing and blaming the messenger, so why should they bother setting themselves up for the criticism and blame for their woes? Answer, they don't, they just stop posting and sharing, because they rightly see the majority of the members here as callous, unsupportive, and overly-critical.
Now you're asking me to make judgments about your dating experiences offline immediately after telling me that you have a problem with people who make judgments about people they don't know offline. You consistently contradict yourself.
I'm done here. Rant away.
@TheoryNumber3 I'm not asking you to judge anything or anybody. I just resented your arrogant comment that clearly implied I was "in the wrong place mentally" regarding dating. I resented that, rightfully so, and responded to it, and then you got all butt hurt and attacked me personally. I'm not contradicting myself at all. I am simply asking people not to make sneaky implications about me and my mentality, like you did in your first comment, and then personally attack me after I defend myself regarding that comment of yours. You just simply can't stand someone disagreeing with you and having a superior argument. No wonder when you post, few people still bother to comment on your posts, since they know you will not be very open to them disagreeing with you, as we all saw with your post on men's dating profiles and their fish photos. More than a couple people disagreed with you and you seemed to get very personally offended with their comments. So don't act so damned superior to me regarding your attitude towards other members here.
@TomMcGiverin Do me a favor. Please block me.