Perhaps a reason Americans are disliked many places. Same shit happens Korea/ Japan and also Darwin Aust. Some US arsehole commits a crime and is whisked away back home so they can't get prosecuted be it rape or murder/ manslaughter.
It's called "American exceptionalism". FFS this was years ago; justice delayed is justice denied. And when an American is investigated for war crimes, the USA sanctions the judge/ investigators (so that justice may run its course obviously) and refuses to co-operate.
The poms are as beholden as Aust is to the fascist state that is now the US. How else do you explain the treatment of Assange?
It is like the egregious behaviour of the US pilot killing 20 in the Italian gondola back in 1998 & his subsequent exoneration by a US court martial...
No doubt the fuckwit @Alienbeing will simply say they can do what they want!
@FrayedBear Of course we can. What can you do about that? Nothing!
@Alienbeing yet again proving your #stupidity¹ & unfitness for membership in human civilisation.
@FrayedBear Facts hurt you don't they?
@Alienbeing the fact that your American civilization is imploding you mean?
Undoubtedly it will hurt. Whether it will hurt to the extent that US behaviour already does remains to be seen.
Obviously nuclear holocaust will affect everyone worldwide not just USA, Russia & China.
@FrayedBear We aren't imploding in any way. We do have some temporary political issues, but that will soon pass.
Don't worry about a nuclear holocaust, even your asshole buddy Putin is not that crazy.
Note people are still streaming into the USA in search of a good life. Are they all confused? Your take on almost any issue is faulty at best, and usually obviously incorrect.
@Alienbeing "Note people are still streaming into the USA in search of a good life."
As Professor Cipolla stated "Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation." - what makes you think that the small numbers of migrants in to the US each year are not totally comprised of "stupid people"?
@FrayedBear Your reply is a joke. First who cares what Cipolla says. Second, the stream has been constant since the mid 19th century. That more than proves the reason for the draw is real.
@Alienbeing alien projection yet again
- a wonderful start to my 6th October.
@FrayedBear When you cannot think of a good response you always fall back on your favorite word "projection". You are so dull that I bet even your hand rejects you.
@Alienbeing and you so #stupid¹.
Have you expressed your opinion on Sen Richard Black yet? "Has retired US State Senator Richard Black succinctly called out the Nordstream & Ukrainian war ..."
@FrayedBear Yea, he is as through as a blind person dusting. I.E. his hunches are wrong.
Perhaps now you should seek stronger medication.
@Alienbeing ? Are you on your moonshine, cocaine or just proving that you cannot read again?
@FrayedBear Actually I read & write well, and more important I know propaganda when I see it.
Your apparant knowledge of various drugs and liquorl indicate you have "interesting" habits.
@Alienbeing yes it's called being able to read about the habits of #stupid¹ lawyers not knowing how to usefully spend their ill gotten gains whilst wasting their brains not trying to right the damaging practices & effects of others in this world.
@FrayedBear You are so off the beaten path that nothing you say affects anyone.
@Alienbeing thank you for pointing out that I'm not "on the beaten track". I recently pointed that out by adding the observation to my profile.
@Alienbeing isn't the word for it "trailblazer"?
@FrayedBear No, you are not a trailblazer, just an uninformed socialist.
@Alienbeing are you trying to turn "socialist" into a pejorative word? LMAO
@FrayedBear I don't need to "try" to turn the word socialist into a pejorative word. It is W-I-D-E-L-Y recognized as same.
@Alienbeing only to your like minded cognitively challenged or cocaine addled #stupid¹s
@FrayedBear Your familiararity with drugs indicates your drug use. I don't even smoke, and I take no drugs.
As respects cognitive aspects, since you refer to nothing, one can only wonder what you mean.
@Alienbeing a rarety amongst lawyers?
I once had a judge tell me that as I didn't have a psychiatric degree I couldn't know or comment on psychiatric illness. My response was that I did not have an optometrist's qualification either but have known since the age of 7 that I need spectacles to correct my vision to be able to clearly see beyond the end of my nose.
@FrayedBear If you had a point, you carefully hid it.