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Being a medical/science writer for the past 12 years, I can agree with the idea that science is not about "belief." It's about the scientific method and provable facts. Also, there is no sould or "ghost in the machine." After the 4 billion dollars spent recently, we have a pretty good idea of how conciousness works. It's a process, not a thing.

Waltjazz 3 Apr 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Are we not things within the process of consciousness?

We are gelatinous masses with massive connected neurons (brains) within a skeletal muscular frame who evolved from the primordial soup. nothing more, nothing less.

@Waltjazz Who is having this experience?

Not sure what you mean by who is having this experience? Weall are, but our brains FOOL us into thinking that we are what we are not. It's the only way that we can process all the information that is flooding in every day. It's the only way that we can make sense of it all.

@Waltjazz Consciousness is necessary for our brains to fool us. Without the function of one, we become that which we truly are: Nothing.


As someone who studies and believes in science, you should know that there are no and never have been any "proveable facts" in the discupline. Only postulates and theoroms which are based upon the laws of physics as we currently grasp them.

Leave the absolutes to religion.

I disagree. I would say that there are no absolutes at the quantum level, there anything is possible. There are plenty of facts that have been proven. Take gravity, for instance. I consider evolution to be fact. A theory is just a theory until it is proven. I think we may differ in the definition of some of the terms.

@Waltjazz actually gravity is a theory. One so accepted that many ppl forget it is theoretical. Many others include: theory of relativity, plate tectonics, evolution, the Big Bang, etc. One day new data could turn any of these theories upside down. I think you may have an hypothesis mixed up with theory. An hypothesis is a supposition, educated guess, etc. one needs to apply the scientific method in order to prove or disprove an hypothesis. If it’s “proven, the hypothesis becomes theory because new data can always disprove that theory.

I KNOW what a hypothetic is. If what you say is true, then there would be NO provable fact, just theories. It's generally accepted that after a theory has not been disproven long enough it becomes a FACT. Gravity and evolution fall into trhat category. As far as the quantum level, I'm willing that there may be a quantum jesus and a quantum God.


If there is a god of some sort, then the quantum level is where they are most likely to reside.

Regarding gravity and evolution (or anything in the scientific world for that matter), when was the ceremony graduating and labeling these theoroms into facts? I must have missed something.

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