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An interesting report on NPR this morning. Seems there are ways to fight Russia outside of direct arms []

JackPedigo 9 Oct 14

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I continue to wonder what the people who support Russia taking Crimea and now invading Ukraine would say if Russia decided it wanted the Alaskan territory back; then landed troops, fired missiles at Nome and our early defense warning stations.


Taking raw civilians out , training them in western weapons and sending them back in definitely helps Ukraine.

Nine times out of ten miltary kills are murder in a uniform.Murder is a form of insanity and the public is playing it like the Romans patriot games. I rather risk my life escaping the country if I were there. Than join an insane asylum and cheered on by their blood thirsty fans.

@Castlepaloma I do not disagree. Those who cause wars rarely take part in them preferring to get rich by them. People's lives mean very little to those who order them to war. Rather a case of don't come back alive.

As opposed to the Russians sending out 'troops' with no experience whatsoever.

@JackPedigo The Russians never seemed to care how many of their children got killed and no doubt don't care how many Ukrainian civilians are killed. Lenin's revolution really ended up helping very few. millions of Russians died in both wars. Cannon fodder. But do the USA Senate and Congress care how many are killed? Not as much if kept secret.

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