If you read the books I have this is exactly what they intend to do. This is backed up heavily by the words of many GOP people and many still do not believe it. People are really ignorant. Imagine a world that suddenly turns into America in 1900 again. This cannot work in our modern society today. We have progressed way beyond this and too many people have their head of their ass.
Can't seem to get it through to the idiots who voted for trump here in this low income apartment complex. Every single one of them depend on the supplemental stuff that the WA State legislature approves of for low income and disabled people in this state. They all loathe the Democrats in the state legislature, especially our governor but suck off the welfare teat. Don't even get me started on the racism these people cling to and they have no clue how ignorant they are. Religious too. It's beyond sad.
In 1930s Germany it was The Jews. For the past 30 years here it has been The Librules. It's wall-to-wall propaganda.
It's all about non-thinking tribalism. No ones paying attention or trying to educate themselves but just following their group. Sort of like the proverbial Lemmings running over a cliff.
@JackPedigo It's like coming upon someone digging a ditch with a spoon. You get them a shovel. When you check on their progress the shovel is tossed aside and they're back to using the spoon.
@silverotter11 Today, on NPR, it was stated many voters don't follow the politicians or issues but simply follow their party.
@JackPedigo Yep, like the spoon versus shovel, what I once concidered just ignorance shows how stupid they are. That holds for some in the Democrat's party as well but the clear winner for stupid is the Republican party adherents.