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Why do so many men want a woman who is younger than they are?

DiceDiceBaby 5 Apr 29

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I sure don't.... If all you want from a relationship is sex, or to have a trophy girlfriend/wife that all your "friends" lust over,( & would jump at the chance to have sex with as soon as your back is turned ) I guess that would be what you want in the way of companionship.... Myself, it would never work... Great sex is good, I think most of us would agree, but is far from what could be considered the cornerstone of a healthy relationship...& certainly not restricted to folks of youth, I prefer someone who knows what makes the other person tick, so to speak... Besides, what else could I have in common with someone half my age ? I don't want to club till the wee hours anymore, got that outta my system decades ago... I like old music, old cars, old motorcycles & women reasonably in my age group...Prefer sitting at my fire ring with my dogs, friends, & cold beer in the evening over running around partying.... Besides, women my age like to make good stuff in the oven..LOL......


It's an ego thing, or I've heard it referred to as "arm candy".

Not always.


Evolutionary Biology. Younger women are more fertile than older ones. It's not a conscious choice in most cases.


Because younger women are more likely to pander to their sense of ego.

Not always.

@Sticks48 Agreed. My comment was more of a generalization. There are always exceptions to the rule.


They young girls only "cure" the ED of those olderrrrrrrrrrrrrr men who have money...🙂


They think their ED will get cured if they are with a young chick. 🙂

Bwahahahahah! 😀

Actually, what I am seeing a lot of on is the trend of women who are in their early to mid-fifties playing "cougar" and refusing to date men who are their own age or even a couple years older than them. My guess about this (which was supported by a woman in that age group that I chatted with) is that those women won't date men their own age because of a belief that all or too many men over 50 have ED.

Whether that is the truth or not doesn't really matter, it appears that many women in their 50s have concluded that it is.

@TomMcGiverin I've not heard that. Most women I know of any age are more worried about personality, honesty, values and chemistry than whether a guy has ED. Sure it's nicer without ED, but I don't know any women around my age who rule out older guys. (I'm 63)

@Atheisteuse Based on my observations of women on Match and their stated age ranges of who they will date, it's not the women your age that are avoiding men their own age. It's the women about ten years younger than you who are doing this. I make no judgement about their choice, mainly because I seem the same attitude being practiced by most men in that same age group. I see no reason women should be seen any different than men when it comes to seeking only younger or at most partners no older than them. This preference seems to be the most common practice among men and women who are 50-55.

@Atheisteuse Meant to say " I see the same attitude being practiced"....

@TomMcGiverin Maybe...and maybe they don't want to date those older men because the gentlemen are too much on their ways and demand a given behavior / approach to life that for most women is out of reality.

I will never dste a gent more than 2 or 3 years younger than I am...

@DUCHESSA Your argument is that older men are often too rigid in their ways and that may well be the other main reason women in their fifties don't want to date them. Makes sense.

@TomMcGiverin I am glad you understood the way some men are about women.


I don't really care if she is younger or older as long as we both manage to be on the same page and understand (both ways) that there are times to do things together and there are times to be alone as well..... Sounds so simple, it is not


Some men may really enjoy being a father, and want to do the whole experience again.

Here are some stories about famous men who went down that path.




Perhaps to see if they “still got it?”

I know for some they get a sense of satisfaction, like they won a trophy or something by being with the younger lady.

I don’t get it, but I’m not old yet and tend to date within 5-6 years of my age range either way.


They think they are all that and they are not. Also, I noticed that if they believe a young woman, (or any woman) is hot, somehow that translates to that woman will certainly be into them as well, lol!


Ego. It makes them feel attractive.


Survival of the species. Bit outdated.

So you mean you think it's biological?

@Atheisteuse - Yes, men take a little more time to catch up with the intellectual thing.

Otherwise known as "Dumb as a bag of hammers" prior to forty.


Probably an ego thing,seen alot of man with young chicks.

Coldo Level 8 Apr 29, 2018
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