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At some point the idea that the truth and facts were somehow negotiable has become quite common and not just in the realm of politics. That doesn't mean that a lie is the truth or that liars shouldn't be held to account when those lies cause harm.

SnowyOwl 8 Oct 28

Enjoy being online again!

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"The Bible is evidence of the existence of God", and those who assert that deny that they are liars and frauds.

The Roman Catholic Church does all it can to avoid being held to account.


Russiagate aka the Steele dossier, commissioned by HR Clinton and the DNC is the picture perfect example. WMD in Iraq another.
Nord Stream there is enough evidence of intention, ability and "Who gains from the crime" circumstantial evidence to mount a legal case against certain interests.

puff Level 8 Oct 28, 2022

You’re sounding more educated than this group can handle or grapple with.

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