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For those who were part of organized religions, do you ever miss it? If so, what specifically and how do you cope with it?

jp-roch 3 Apr 29

Enjoy being online again!

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The only thing I miss is the Thanksgiving dinner my parents church used to have every year. They had a secret recipe for sausage and kraut that was so freakin' good it was one of the highlights of the year every single year.


I was raised catholic but never bought into it. everyone in church acting like they loved a god who could torture souls in a hell he created and souls he created , then gives the choice of doing good or bad and doesnt make everyone equal at the start of the game. steal food go to hell or starve to death go to heaven. screw god . He created all-let him take responsibility. worship is bullshit! its fear! I fear no more because I found truth !


I have said many times on this site tht as humans are animals, we evolved as parts of groups for safety. This gathering into groups is an animal instinct which is still present in today's humans.

When people leave religion, most often what they miss is not belonging to a group and not having a place int eh group any longer. Often doubters will remain in religion because they want to remain in the group and feel like they have a place.

To get past missing being a part of religion, I suggest that people look up the local groups on to find persons with common interests and to have people with which to do things with. there are atheist groups, groups that just get together for coffee, hiking groups, biking groups, groups who liek dungeons and dragons, groups that play board or card games, stc... One of my local groups is for people who appreciate craft beers. Chances are there is a group that would be of interest for you.

Yeah it's probably that. The thing is, I read the Bible and the New Testament and I have now an intellectual interest in theology, but I am not religious. But it's not only the feeling of community, it's the feeling of communion with God - that I'm never alone and that no matter what happens, it'll be ok. I know it probably sounds naive and stupid but yeah..


I miss the annual bean supper with homemade food. We cope by making our own and sharing with neighbours.


Not at all. Fake smiles and fake people are not things I enjoy.



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