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I didn’t realize black white supremacists existed until Kanye came along. What a piece of work…..👀

Aaron70 8 Nov 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Oh, there's plenty of them. Candace, Jesse, Clarence, Kyrie, the Hodge boys, the sorry case I'm rooming with at present.... In all cases there's something wrong with them "upstairs" that becomes crystal clear when you talk to them for 10 minutes. Everything is a conspiracy and nothing they say makes a lick of rational sense.

I’m concerned for your well being….👀

@Buck I feel secure enough to hold my own rather well. But I appreciate your concern. <3


Aboriginal people I know in Australia call them coconuts: Black on the outside, white on the inside.

puff Level 8 Nov 4, 2022

Spot on. These coconuts are tyrying to thwart the upcoming referendum to decide whether we give the indigionous people a voice in government. Go figgure


There are a number of such people. I frequently see them acting as spokespeople for far right groups, most recently in the news from Michigan. I have a feeling it's offensive but didn't they use to call such people "house n****rs?"

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