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In a real representative democracy's, a 27% voter turnout would be considered a failure. A joke. And if a goodly percentage of that were postal votes, then no democracy at all.
Here's to blowing up pipelines to advance climatic change.

PS To all the Afghan vets; "Thank you for your service!" (From the women and children of Afghanistan)

puff 8 Nov 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Uh oh, your meds need adjusting, again.


Where was the 27% you claim?
Many real democracies use postal votes - no problem.
When will you go to night school to learn English?

The very first paragraph of the linked article eg the introduction. Comprehension is important in English is what I have thus far learnt.
Most democracies have easily accessible polling station, allowing absentee voting only to be utilised in certain circumstances ie common sense rather than laziness.
I just liked the bragging tone about the biggest turnout amongst young voters in thirty years. Whoopie doo.

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