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'MP Andrew Bridgen called a debate in the House of Commons this week, stating that he believes that the Covid vaccines are causing significant damage to many people who are taking them. In his view, the risks of damage from the vaccine outweigh significantly any good they might be doing. In this special interview, The Dr Jamie Franklin speaks with Andrew about what brought him to this viewpoint, the salient points of his argument and the evidence in its favour, the lack of interest from the corporate media, and the ethics of vaccinating children including babies as young as six-months old (which has now been approved by the UK's MHRA). This and many more important points are covered in this important conversation concerning the health and wellbeing of millions of people.'

BDair 8 Dec 21

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Turdeau is an financial investor in vaccines. That's like hiring a fox to guard the hen house.


Stop the Vaccine Roll-Out - With MP Andrew Bridgen

BDair Level 8 Dec 21, 2022
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