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The web gets more interconnected all the time. How will they see Dinosaurs haunt youth pastor said the devil created fossils to trick
I hope the web can be seen as enlightening, but religion has creeped up in its processes. I hope it does not lead to religious cyber warfare.

lwm556 4 Apr 30

Enjoy being online again!

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That mean old devil tricking us with dinosaur fossils again. You would think he should know by now that we have him all figured out. He was good at one time at flying waitresses around in UFO's and got found out when you saw them later at the cafe. Who could ever forget those backwards messages on the popular records that said "worship the devil." Play it backwards and there you go.

This is actually one of my primary concerns when Net Neutrality was defeated. To quote J.K. Rowling,

"These are dark times, there is no denying. Our world has perhaps faced no greater threat than it does today


Seems like there’s an album by that name. Devil Made Dinosaurs. Alice In Chains.

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