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Any one in my area want to help me. may be long shot, get my puppy now about 8 months old back?

squiggy_70 6 Apr 30

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I certainly would if I could, I hope all goes well, I had to part from mine for 3 years. Have had her back for 6 now.

how did you get her back. I know who has her if she is alive . Bitch filed a restraining order said I was "harassing her" when i said what happened f*kin judge said take her to court. I said I am in court. she said a different court. christ man

@squiggy_70 Mine was a bit earier as far as the dog goes,
she and her family ended up with my house and meant I had nowhere to live, her son loved my dog, so we reached an agreement that I would be paid out for my share of the property, sadly I didn't get anything for the 12 months work I did on it, but also her son would keep my dog. 2 years later her son was kicked out so he came to live with me, a year after that they decided to sell the place, my dog had arthritis by then and no longer needed to run, so I went and got her and took her to my tiny place for a year until I bought this house. As I said, that bit was easier, I would go down there every month or so to see the dog and take her camping,

@Rugglesby no I got conned. and will never see her again

@squiggy_70 ah man, so sorry.


Someone stole your dog?
Dogs from animal shelters are chipped, so it might turn up. Otherwise, walk or drive around the neighborhood, looking into backyards.

the breeder conned me. said she would "help me" . chip doesn't matter it only proves who the dog is not who it belongs to. it is a long court fight IF you can find a lawyer

i know who took her unless she is sold again or dead the breeder has her. refused to give her back and befoer you ask she did NOT have a contract saying she could do that

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