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I don't know why I assumed this site would be better than facebook. There is the same percentage of user who are complete, drooling morons.

Secretguy 7 Jan 17

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When I see obtuse comments on this site, I just scroll on by and it doesn't give me much grief. However on FB, I have a connection to those people, so it's just sad to see how many of the people I know and love who do not have a grasp on reality. I don't disagree with them publicly, just internally. Stopping my fingers from typing is easier than biting my tongue in real life.

I also think that some people on this site purposely like to troll other members, saying things to tick us off for their own entertainment. I don't like to feed their appetite for conflict.


It is always easy to overestimate the number of drooling morons everywhere, since they tend to stand out and push themselves forward. Its a side effect of the Dunning Kruger effect.

However, if you find drooling especially offensive, you can always block me, at no cost on this site. But I think that it pays to keep an eye on us morons, since that way you are less likely to slip on the drool.


one way or another we all are kinda dim. we like to ignore the reality that we don't even know that we don't know what to ignore, but I'm pick'in up what you're layin down


Naming-calling is a form of violence - verbal violence, and one of those ancient Romans said violence arises from powerlessness.

Those who know they can not win the arguments, reach for their weapons.

Of course we must consider that there are many peope who look for reasons to be offended, and always find a reason.


We’re a bunch of skeptics as far as a belief in god is concerned …that doesn’t mean we’d all qualify for membership of Mensa or The Brains Trust! We have our share of the mentally challenged here as elsewhere in society…although I’d wager the percentage of real out and out “morons” as you put it, is way lower here than on any other social media site due to there being no religious nuts in our mix. That’s not to say that we don’t have a small collection of gun nuts, anti-vac nuts, conspiracy theory nuts…and just plain old run of the mill everyday nuts …here amongst us too,


The difference here is we are not subject to bible banging morons. Morons are everywhere as it is a human condition. Here we are safe from the conversion cliques.


I am quite happy to abuse the mental defectives on this site, something which I cannot do on Facebook.


No prayers. The members are anonymous. Your identity is safe. You can curse, you can disparage the religious community. That's what I enjoy about being on this site. Facebook tells me which of my non-anonymous friends are still alive.

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