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A Big Step Towards Hydrogen Fuel Out of Thin Air—Just Like a Plant


xenoview 8 Jan 17

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Gladstone qld has just built it's own hydrogen plant. operational who knows when. there is presently a lot of kafuffle about the production of hydrogen. Apparently there are two sorts of hydrogen.
Green hydrogen and some other kind. Then you have hydrogen fuel cells, which seem to be as easy to get as a live brontosaurus.
undoubtedly it may be a fuel of the future,

The "other kind" I would think, simply means using fossil fuels as the energy source to split the water. So still the same greenhouse gas, perhaps even more since the system willl involve some energy waste, you just get to use the hydrogen in the city streets, and generate the polution in some distant power station, much like none green electric.

Here you go all the gen.

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