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Of course I do not believe in god (s). He, she, it, they may seem necessary to some who feel they need help in their lives, or want to thank something for good fortune. Belief in god(s) began when the first human minds evolved and looked out on their perilous existence. They needed some sense of solace and hope for their short and hard lives and there was so much they did not understand. I can readily understand their fears and wonder. Similar feeling still remain alive today in many societies, but,as yet, there is no scientific evidence that a deity(s) exists, so I guess I’ll remain an agnostic and atheist for a while longer.

Cgosling 4 Apr 30

Enjoy being online again!

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This is an agnostic website, so skepticism about deities and religion is a given.
Yet so many continue to discuss it, which puzzles me. Why discuss fiction, unless it has entertainment value, which I don't find in religion.


I'll remain an agnostic athiest because I have no choice.

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