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Yes I was in a dark place in my life but I found the light yes the truth can set you free, and that why I turn my life oven to knowledge and became an Atheist and today follow Knowledge and not a death Jew who may never have existed . Lol 😀

ChaseJett 4 May 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Well, ‘becoming atheist’ is shedding a shitload of ..shit 😀 Not focusing on nonsense gives you more time to sort through the real problems of life -- they (don't) do not disappear, but become front & center when not intermixed with unhealthy cultural expectations..

As I continue to notice religious behavior and affiliations from the outside, their support group is contingent on giving away your freewill and personal sovereignty. Sure, they may find you a job, or a mate, or childcare ..or provide sympathy in times of need … but it’s at a cost too high if you’d sold your soul.

You won’t be going it alone though, you’ve got us 🙂 ...not sure if we can provide child care or employment ... but maybe a mate 😉

PS - had to ..mess/ edit my post due to all the weird things that go wrong using basic forms of text punctuation on this platform - not the first time, but sure a pain..

Varn Level 8 May 1, 2018

Yeah, realizing it's all a myth is quite a relief. I realized it after reading the Sumerian texts, which tell almost identical stories the Bibles tells, but was written 2000 years before the Bible, and is written from the viewpoint of aliens who say they genetically engineered humans by combining their DNA with that of human apes, to make workers for the gold mines.


yep, it is amazing when the haze clears, and you can see reality it is something much more powerful than myths.

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