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Being considered crazy by those who are still victims of cultural conditioning is a compliment.
-Jason Hairston

vocaloldfart 7 Jan 31

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I have news for Jason- everyone is a product of cultural conditioning. Claiming to have broken free is just a reaction to the already existing predispositions you learned as you grew up. I was raised as a generic Christian- that's always going to be there, no matter that I've been an atheist for decades now. You live with it.

"Cultural conditioning" also includes things like, "Stop at the stop sign," "It's not okay to just knock other people down and take their shit," "You're not allowed to kill neighborhood pets". Not following these kind of cultural rules might very well mean you are crazy after all. (Getting your health advice from people on the internet with no medical training might also be a sign.)

Yes but. Stopping at the stop sign, not killing other's pets, and getting mainstream health advice, would not make you a victim of cultural conditioning, those would be benefits of cultural conditioning. Which would help you to live a better and happier life. Being a "victim" of cultural conditioning would be things such as, believing you inherit sin from you mothers, and need to flog yourself with whips until you have no skin on your back to expiate that, spend two boring hours a week in church and pay for it, or avoid good medical care because some cultural myth is claimed to be better.

Cultural conditioning does indeed have two sides, but by implication the word "victim" indicates that we are only concerned with the negative side.

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