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I’m going across the BIG pond to Paris this summer for the first time in my life! I am a little nervous but thrilled all at once. Any see and do suggestions for my trip would be welcome. Things off the beaten path are nice! I will be looking for art, food and nature! Of course my granddaughter wants to see the Eiffel Tower but after that it’s wide open.

ArtsyChick 5 May 1

Enjoy being online again!

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31 comments (26 - 31)

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Be sure to take advantage of the Paris "Metro"(subway system). Great way to get around - quick, efficient, and inexpensive.


Congratulations!!! You only live twice, Paris has a Night Life of its own.


Naturally De Louvre.


Make sure you read the news It dosen't look very clever in Paris at the moment

eff the news


Go business class.


I would not go to europe if they paid me,and I'm from germany.Rather see south america,or austrailia=

How strange. Why?

stands to reason

@GoldenDoll to much turmoil,and terror threat

@oldsinner111 oh yeah right. You're only likely to get killed by a school kid with a gun in America.

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