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How is it we tolerate the dishonesty of this administration? From the first day of his presidency when he sent Spicer out to claim he had the largest inaugural crowd of all time to his and Sara Huckabee Sanders constant lies.


bobhoff59 7 May 1

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There is no law requiring politicians, or anyone else, to tell the truth unless under oath. We have been very fortunate in our history to not have had to face this crap in such huge quantities before!
Willfully lying to the people you supposedly represent/serve should be a huge felony!


We [ in the rest of the world ] would like to know why you voted him in instead of the first female president? I know : you are AGAINST WOMEN COLLECTIVELY. SHAME ON THE LOT OF YOU

Don't say we. The majority of us voted against him.


According to the Washington Post fact checkers, Trump passed 3000 lies since he took office as of today. His supporters claim that "all politicians lie." Not like this. Not even close. And besides, he was supposedly elected because he was not like the typical politician. The sad truth is that his followers believe him and not the truth.


This piece of shit just lies and lies -so sick of all his fibs. Hoping he is impeached come November or Mueller gets him before then.


What do you suggest we do about it?

Vote out all republicans who will not do an honest thorough investigation in 2018. Speak out loudly and often to expose their lies. Make sure this administration is thrown out in 2020 if we cannot find enough evidence of criminal miss doing to impeach and get them out earlier.

@bobhoff59 I'm with you. Voting and talking is all we have.


One thing is that the media laughs about it. I wish they would stand up to it like Walter Cronkite would have done instead of just laughing it off. I love Rachel Maddow, but I do not love it when she giggles about his lies.

She is laughing to be both sarcastic and increase our attention to them, not to minimize them! How many people would watch her if she went off on insane rants like Alex Jones?

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